Author Topic: Letter Discovery!  (Read 2059 times)


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Letter Discovery!
« on: March 26, 2009, 02:55:35 PM »
            Crackrotter Kurn:

Ironfold still stands.  A group of adventurers calling themselves the Gnome Punters freed the spirit and slaughtered Talon’s operatives in the area.  Duule was little help.  I regret to inform you that the taste of Dwarf flesh is fouler than any I have consumed this past century, all dust and ale and iron.  Expect Hammerscore to remain well supplied.

Talon’s spies have infiltrated Horncrest and Ruk expects you to occupy the castle with little resistance.  Your army should be in Endfall within a fortnight, and plan on reinforcements from the Bleaklord himself by the end of the month.  We have done well, but if Endfall is destroyed and the Dwarves of Everspring are besieged before reinforcements arrive, Karoth will let you choose your rewards.

However, your task will not be easy.  The Maiden in Ironfold has fallen as well.  I am not certain who was responsible, but Felix Tredway was involved.  He was travelling with the adventurers from Ironfold but seems to have departed north, perhaps to Talon.  Be wary of the old man and keep an eye out for his fellows.  I enclosed pictures of the Punters with this letter.  Be advised that Felix’s involvement may give us some leniency with the Wolf, but Kachi refuses to speak to him.  Who can understand the gods?

The task before you is simple.  Dispose of the township of Horncrest quietly.  Take no prisoners and let no one escape.  March in full force to Endfall leaving nothing but death in your wake.  The city need not fall, but it is vital that you hold it until you are reinforced.  Once Endfall is crushed and the kingdom of Hammerscore is divided, the Bleaklord need only brush the remaining resistance aside. 

We will slake our thirst on the blood of unborn children ripped from the very wombs of their mothers.  By winter Hammerscore will be ours.  Keep to the task and you shall have your reward.

            By my hand,
            Greatmaster Leon
            Lord of the Anvil Mountains
            He who Slew Alwin


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Re: Letter Discovery!
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2009, 02:59:08 PM »
((Great job on calling yourselves the Gnome Punters there, guys.  :P  There are several references to NPC names in the letter above, so when we meet again I'll get everyone caught up on who these people are and when you met them.

You'll have chances to make knowledge- religion checks and history checks and whatnot to glean some extra info as to the more obtuse information in the letter.  In any case, it gives you all of the proof you need on the secret alliance between Talon and Middenplain.))


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Re: Letter Discovery!
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2009, 10:37:57 PM »

Ewwww.... I'm getting Silence of the Lambs flashbacks here.
"Elapsam semel occasionem non ipse potest Iuppiter reprehendere"