Author Topic: Modeling night?  (Read 23064 times)


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Re: Modeling night?
« Reply #75 on: July 31, 2008, 03:25:03 PM »
Weekly assignments that can be given out on Saturday mornings / worked on during the week independently or in groups.

If I can install the starter in my truck fast enough tonight, I'll come in with the tree stuff so people can oogle it.

Grand Master Steve

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Re: Modeling night?
« Reply #76 on: August 03, 2008, 01:45:01 AM »
Alright im not sure if a "club" is really going to work out nore can I lead such a group. I admit im trying to bite more then I can chew off. I think people which seems to be the case with some should just bring projects in or work on them when your at the store and nothing is happening. All and All store use/supplies is up to Derrek. If any one else would like to take the reins and lead I wont be offended if anything ill be happy. A thought was brought to me this evening, if we do have a club of some sort, set a reliable date with some one that can lead, we can give back to Battle Grounds as a community what Derrek has given us in his time, space and patience.


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Re: Modeling night?
« Reply #77 on: August 03, 2008, 01:33:47 PM »
I will try to put together some model club "tasks" and a place where the materials for said tasks can be found. All I ask is that if people are going to work on it on their own time, please, clean up after you're done, and carefully put back the supplies as you found them.

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