So i'm in the process of building a Mech Guard army with a Russian theme (Red tide of armor, hammer and sickle and all that jazz) so obviously vostroyans and valhallans would conventionally fill the roll nicely
(Yes i know vehicles got nerfed, i don't care i think it will be fun)


BUT after doing some looking around i kind of like the look of Khador Winter Guard as well

And since i plan on using Ratlings (because snipers are kinda awesome now)

i think these Khador Widowmakers have a much better look to them and would fit the overall theme better

So i don't know, either way i'm working with metal which will be a pain to try to model meltas on and such so neither get a pro or con there
The price is pretty much the same, although i would rather give the money to an American company like Privateer Press instead of satans workshop... oops i mean Games workshop
Judging from my un-assembled Cygnar army in the basement the bases are slightly off (i think 40k is like 25mm so these war machine ones look to be about 30mm) in which case i would have to get some good slotted 25mm ones and hope the warmachine models dont hang over too much
so, thoughts?