Author Topic: Using Warmachine models for 40k  (Read 2374 times)


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Using Warmachine models for 40k
« on: July 12, 2012, 11:53:14 AM »
So i'm in the process of building a Mech Guard army with a Russian theme (Red tide of armor, hammer and sickle and all that jazz) so obviously vostroyans and valhallans would conventionally fill the roll nicely

(Yes i know vehicles got nerfed, i don't care i think it will be fun)



BUT after doing some looking around i kind of like the look of Khador Winter Guard as well

And since i plan on using Ratlings (because snipers are kinda awesome now)

i think these Khador Widowmakers have a much better look to them and would fit the overall theme better

So i don't know, either way i'm working with metal which will be a pain to try to model meltas on and such so neither get a pro or con there

The price is pretty much the same, although i would rather give the money to an American company like Privateer Press instead of satans workshop... oops i mean Games workshop

Judging from my un-assembled Cygnar army in the basement the bases are slightly off (i think 40k is like 25mm so these war machine ones look to be about 30mm) in which case i would have to get some good slotted 25mm ones and hope the warmachine models dont hang over too much

so, thoughts?
« Last Edit: July 12, 2012, 11:59:00 AM by PhoenixFire »


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Re: Using Warmachine models for 40k
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2012, 12:48:47 PM »
Quick thoughts for me are...

- Going the PP route is actually more money I think. Boxes of both IG regiments retail for $35 on GW's site. The Rifle Corps are $49.99. Ratlings vs. Widowmakers is a wash though. If you have to do heavy weapon teams PP is more money than GW ($20/25 vs. $17).

- Depending on what level of visual consistency you want it might get tough. I can think of few PP models that would work for Valhallan/Vostroyan officers. I mean you could use Irusk or Sorscha, but you'd need to make them look more unique I think.

- PP is 28mm with a 30mm base. I would assume they fit on the 25mm base but I've never tried.

- Depending on your level of tournament play I think there are rules you'd have to follow regarding what percent of your models need to be based on GW parts/models.

I would lean towards GW right now. I can understand being frustrated by them as a company, but I think they edge out PP in this instance.


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Re: Using Warmachine models for 40k
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2012, 05:14:25 PM »
If you want you can use 28mm WWII Russian models, there are many companies that make them.  I like Artizan Designs, but I am sure BG can get some 28mm model through there distributors for you.
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Re: Using Warmachine models for 40k
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2012, 05:54:30 PM »
Some good valid points,

I'm going to check out the Khador selection at Plainville tonight and hopefully grab some widowmakes for my snipers.

As far as the bulk of the army maybe i should just stick with GW, if i go the Vostroyan route that will get me a heavy weapons team with each box as well


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Re: Using Warmachine models for 40k
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2012, 02:53:04 AM »
- Depending on your level of tournament play I think there are rules you'd have to follow regarding what percent of your models need to be based on GW parts/models.
I think the only tournaments that care about this are GW-sponsored tournaments.