Author Topic: May 26th Arena Event: CR 3 Monster Melee  (Read 2700 times)


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May 26th Arena Event: CR 3 Monster Melee
« on: May 16, 2012, 09:26:05 PM »
May 26th
Entree Fee: $5.00
Start Time for this event is 2pm, please arrive in Abington for sign up's before 1:45pm.


ALL participants will be given a pregenerated CR 3 Monster at random.

Monstrous Free For Fall!
You will be be randomly given a CR 3 monster in which to battle other players with.
The Crit Hit deck will be in effect for this event for dramatic flair.

Some Examples of possible CR 3 Monsters that could be selected for use.

Gelatinous Cube
Hell Hound
Air, Dust, Earth, Fire, Ice, Magma, Ooze, Salt, Steam, and Water Mephit
Spider, Giant Black Widow

Just to name a few.

Initiative will be determined and the battle will ensue. All monsters are expected to immediately move toward another monster and begin their attack, or use a missile weapon or spells/spell-like abilities to do so. The crowd watching the fight dislikes it when monsters stall or stay out of the fray, and their mood can have a strong influence on their success or failure. Each monster is expected to act upon instinct, since they are fighting for their lives. You should be attacking on each turn they are able. Each round that a monster does not make an attack against another monster will result in an adjustment on the sliding performance scale.

1st Round without making an attack: Crowd takes notice and shouts a few jeers. Combatant takes a -1 on all attack rolls, combat maneuvers, ability checks, skill checks, and saving throws.

2nd Round without making an attack: Crowd begins to shout and taunt the stalling gladiator. Combatant takes a -2 on all attack rolls, combat maneuvers, ability checks, skill checks, and saving throws.

3rd Round without making an attack: Crowd becomes very hostile and chants relentlessly about the gladiator’s cowardice and begins to throw rotten vegetables (purchased by conveniently located vendors) at the gladiator. Combatant takes a -4 on all attack rolls, combat maneuvers, ability checks, skill checks, and saving throws.

4th Round without making an attack: Crowd is enraged. The emperor’s court wizards, in order to maintain order in the stands, begins to fire magic missiles at the stalling gladiator. Subsequent rounds will continue with these penalties in place.

Monsters must work their way back up the ladder in order to remove accrued penalties.

Conversely, monsters who show great bravado will be rewarded in similar ways.

Every time an opponent is slain in the arena, the monster dealing the killing blow will receive a +1 bonus on all attack rolls, combat maneuvers, ability checks, skill checks, and saving throws (if a gladiator is in the negatives when he receives this bonus it brings him up one further on the scale). This bonus will remain for as long as the monster continues to relentlessly assault his opponents. If at any time the monster fails to attack an opponent in a given round the bonus will be affected as noted above.

A monster that delivers a critical hit also gains a +1 bonus on all attack rolls, combat maneuvers, ability checks, skill checks, and saving throws.

A monster cannot under any circumstances accrue a bonus higher than +3 in this way.

« Last Edit: May 16, 2012, 09:47:23 PM by Cale »
A small stone may make a ripple at first, but someday it will be a wave. - Wiegraf Folles

King of the Elves

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Re: May 26th Arena Event: CR 3 Monster Melee
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2012, 12:06:07 AM »
I am so there!


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Re: May 26th Arena Event: CR 3 Monster Melee
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2012, 06:08:26 PM »
Thank you to all participants who made it to the Monstrous Arena.

1 Alfred Cloutier - Medium Fire Elementa
2 Dylan O'Brien - Centaur
3 Tyson Plouse - Grick
4 Ben Parrish - Anhkeg
5 Thomas Putney - Ogre
6 Alex Moon - Wight
7 Chris Capone - Dire Wolf
8 Mike Cook "Cookie" - Ooze Mephit
9 Brian Luscombe - Giant Mantis

Epic Moments:

1: 15 Damage Bite Attack from Ben's Anhkeg killing Moon's Wight giving him crabs.
2: 22 Damage Crit from Tom's Great Club against Brian's Giant Mantis.
3: Extremely effective Stinking Cloud Spell-Like Ability from Cook's Ooze Mephit to disable Capone's Dire Wolf for 5 rounds and disable Dylan's Centaur for 3 rounds.
4: 14 Bite Damage and 4 Acid Damage attack to Kill Tom's Ogre.
5: 11 points of damage from Alfred's Fire Elemental Critical Slam and Burn attack to Ben's Anhkeg, stunning it for 1 round from the crit hit deck.
6: Line of Acid from Ben's Anhkeg deals 12 damage to Tyson's Grick to deliver the killing blow, and 6 points to Alfred's Fire Elemental to weaken Alfred.

In the end the last monster standing was Ben Parrish's Anhkeg, defeating Alfred's Medium Fire Elemental.

Congrats to the top winners and thanks again for coming :)

1st - Ben Parrish
2nd - Alfred Cloutier
3rd - Tyson Plouse
A small stone may make a ripple at first, but someday it will be a wave. - Wiegraf Folles