Author Topic: H:Large BFG Lot. Want: Store Credit/WFB  (Read 2176 times)


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H:Large BFG Lot. Want: Store Credit/WFB
« on: January 06, 2013, 03:49:09 PM »
Hey Guys I have a Large Battlefleet Gothic  Lot for sale I am looking for Store Credit

I have Available

Eldar Fleet
Void Stalker,2x Eclipse, Shadow, 3x Aconites, 6x Night Shades (Everything is Bare Metal)

Chaos Fleet
8x Unassembled Chaos Cruisers

1.) BFG Rule Book
2.) BFG 2002 Annual Book
3.) a Bunch of the Rare OOP BFG Magazines In Great Condition
4.) Order Dice
5.) Cardboard Blast Markers/ Fighter Bomber Tokens from the Boxed set
6.) Cardboard Reference Cards
7.) Fleet Roster Sheets

I would like $200 In Store Credit or best offer

For Trades I would consider the following WFB Stuff

1.) 20+ Empire Halberdiers (Current)
2.) 2x Empire General Kits (NoS)
3.) 10x Flagellants
4.) Empire Captain with Gory Sword
5.) 10x Greatswords (Non Command Current or Last Edition)
6.) 10x Huntsmen (Current)
7.) Kurt Helborg (Current)

Dark Elves
1.) Dreadlord with Great Weapon
2.) Spear Elves
3.) Corsairs
4.) Cold one Knights (Cow ones)
5.) Sorceress
6.) Chariots
7.) Army Book
Other Stuff too Make an Offer

I play
WHFB- Dwarves
WH40K- Tyranids
Bolt Action- US Paratroopers
Super Dungeon Explore