Author Topic: Character Journal: Ulgrim, Dwarf, Initiate of Ulric (1st Career)  (Read 3092 times)


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Dear Odmar,

So today i was given this journal today by Admund Regakhoffer. He’s the priest that runs this orphanage. He told me i should write down my days events in this journal. He said that i could tell you stuff that i could never tell anyone else but maybe Ulric himself. I’ve never told people about my hurts to much. it’s easy to pretend that i don’t know what happened to me than to admit the truth. But...i think i want to tell you. Let me start from the beginning or as far back as i can remember. Soo...I was born 25 years ago on Mondstille. i don’t remember about much about those early years. I do however remember that fateful day 5 years ago when my world changed. it was started out like an other day. i woke up and had breakfast with family. My mom and dad were trying to stop my two older brothers from bickering once again. They all ways seemed to be fighting. they never fought with me though. they always stood up for me and protected me. After we ate dad went go to work at his forge. Dad liked to forge weapons and decided that it would be a great way to make money. My oldest brother Bain didn’t care much for the forging of weapons he preferred combat and sword fights. He was hoping to become a mighty warrior one day. Our brother Urgrim was laid back and never really did much but relax. Me on the other hand oh i loved helping dad work on the weapons dad always said it was his goal to forge his soul into his best master piece. He had acquired only a few pieces of this precious metal it was no where near close enough to make a sword but he said good things come to those who wait. Around the start of the setting sun when the sky turns from a blue to a mix of orange and red when it happened. Green skins attacked our village...I was at the forge with dad when we heard he screams. Dad grabbed the pouch with the metal pieces in it and an axe from the self and told me to follow him and stay close. As we went to leave he stopped and told me to grab a weapon to defend myself just incase. Dad had crafted a cool hammer that he kept behind his counter that i had always admired so i ran an grabbed it.

With the hammer in hand dad and me raced out the door and towards our house. People where running crazy everywhere. occasionally i would get a glimpse of green skins getting closer and closer to us. We managed to avoid most of them, but two of the skin saw us and came for us. Dad pushed me behind them as the orcs raised there weapons. Dad was locked in combat with the the two and it didn’t look good. I was able to help though so i charged in and swung my hammer with all my strength.

It connected with the first’s chest taking his breath away. Gaining an opening dad swung his axe and buried it in the green skins head. This however, left him open and the skin stuck him. Dads arm began to bleed but he quickly brought his axe around hitting him square in the chest with the axe. Dad grabbed me and we ran for the house. Fires began popping up all around as we ran.

When we finally got to the house two huge skins had just broken into the house. Our feet wouldn’t take us any faster as we ran. When reached the front door we saw Urgrim dead in a pool of blood near the fire place with one of the skins standing over him. The other was fighting Bain by the stairs that lead up to the second floor. Dad went into a rage and charged the orc by the stairs Just as his axe was coming down he let for a mighty roar and buried the axe in the skins back. The skin by the fire place now aware of the new comers charged dad. There was a scream from upstairs as a window broke. The screams ended with a loud thud. I turned to see mom dead next to me dead. He body lay broken on the ground as tears sprang forth to my eyes. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. it wasn’t until Bain and dad grabbed me that i was able to pull my eyes away. We were running again down side streets and over dead bodies. We came to a side street where we hid and caught our breath. Dad grabbed Bain and told him he would take me and run if anything happened. He hugged him and them turned to me. He took my hand and placed the small pouch in my hand. He told me that he loved me and said i should hold onto these for him. When the coast was clear we started running again we had almost made it to the gates when we ran into five more skins. dad charged there of them and began fighting them. He yelled to Bain and me telling us to keep going. Bain and me ran for the gates we managed to slip past the two remaining skins. We ran for what felt like hours before i fell to the ground to tired to run anymore. Bain told me to rest for a few before we continued. Everything seemed fine we thought we were gonna be safe but that was a mistake. THe two remaining orcs had followed us. As we caught our breath the caught up to us.

They sprang from behind the trees as they raise there swords. Bain raised his ready for them. I held my hammer ready to fight alongside Bain. The skins charged us and began swing their swords. The skin that attacked me missed as i leapt back causing his blade to bury itself int he side of a tree. With the opening i brought my hammer down on his skull. IT made a loud cracking sound as the skin crumpled to the ground. Bain hearing the sound feared that it had been me who had been killed turned his attention from his opponent.

His face when he saw what i had down was one of pure happiness. His eyes showed how proud he was of me. That was the last thing i saw on my brothers face. The skin using this moment to bury his sword in my brothers back. I screamed and my mind went blank. i don’t remember what happened after that. i remember waking up in a wagon covered in blood that didn’t belong to me. As i looked around i saw three people sitting around me. A man dressed in armor with a white wolf emblem on the shoulder piece. He smiled at me and told me to rest some more. He ruffled my hair and i closed my eyes and sleep took me. over the next few days Odmar who was a priest of Ulric told me that him and his party had come across me standing over the last orc. as i kept smashing the orc with my hammer. When they grabbed me and pulled me away i just collapsed. Odmar told me that Ulric had given me aid in the battle. he was intrigued that Ulric helped out one such as me and that i should feel honored. He explained that without his help i would’ve died.

He told me he was taking me to where he grew up and that the church of Ulric there would take me in and raise me. and i’ve been here ever since...

Dear Odmar,

it’s only been two days but You’ve been such a help. i’ve stopped having those nightmares finally. Today we start my teachings about Ulric. I’m so excited to learn about him.

Dear Odmar

it been months since my first day. I’ve trained hard and studied hard. Today i got into a fight with another boy from the orphanage. He said Ulric made a mistake by helping me. I showed him to never disrespect Ulric or me again. I lost a tooth in the fight but it was worth it. Admund reprimanded the boy and said that i made Ulric proud. He told me i could watch as some people began their initiation process. Afterwards i went back to the sleeping quarters and began practicing for the initiation.

Dear Odmar,

Today Admund took me to get my foretelling of doom. Remember last time i told you after i got my foretelling of doom Admund said in honor of my coming of age would start me on my initiation process. Well so the doomsayer told me that the written word will be your doom. it scared me at first but I swallowed my fear and remembered that Ulricans don’t fear anything. Ulricans are brave and i will be brave for Ulric himself. I will make him proud.
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Re: Character Journal: Ulgrim, Dwarf, Initiate of Ulric (1st Career)
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2013, 11:26:34 AM »
Neeco (Ulgrim initiate of Ulric)
Dear Odmar,
   Sorry I have not written to you in a while my good friend but a lot has happened to me in the last few weeks. The last time that I wrote to you I was giving preachings to that town, I forget its name, about our mighty god Ulric. Well you’re not going to believe this but slavers attacked the town the next day. Well I was not going to sit by and let people get captured and I was not afraid of these weak and simple minded fools so I fought back against the slavers. I was defeating for after for when a coward attacked from the shadows and knocked me out.
   We were brought to a slaver outpost high up in the north. They were herding us like cattle into this cave, and then shoving us into a cell. They were even keeping little children in there. The only people not in the same cell were the woman and I saw them taken to a different place. Every time I witnessed a monstrosity my blood boiled and I would think to myself “When I get out of here I am kill the whole lot of them".
   There was another dwarf in the cell besides me. The Other dwarf seemed to be tough. Unlike me however, he was almost bare naked except for a loin cloth. He must be a mighty warrior for them to fear him even wearing clothes, I thought. He like me tried to push the guards’ buttons as much as we could. A few days after arriving three new interesting people arrived. One was a human and the other two were elves. They stood out because of that same desire to escape that I had myself flashed across their eyes. The taller of the two elves disappeared a few times. I figured he must be good at hiding himself. I dislike this about him but alas he does not know or understand the ways of Ulric. The shorter of the two was creative in his attempts to try and put out the lights to give us the advantage.
   As the day went on a guy who always wore a mail shirt came in to the cell with four other slavers. As usual I had to push back against this guy and asked where we were being taken too. He stuck me with a stick and while I was off balance he started pulling me to the next guy and chaining the four of us together. The taller elf was no where insight. He must have been trying to avoid unwanted attention. Once we were all chained together he began dragging us out of the cell to meet the head of the operations a man by the name of Clooney.
   When I saw him all I could think about was “This is the man who is having children captured and sold into slavery,” The urge to wrap my chains around his throat was extremely hard to resist. He asked what he could do to accommodate us more and offered us food and water. The man angered me even more when the only accommodation I had wanted was my symbol of Ulric returned to me.  My restraint was at its limit. If it weren’t for the others talking about what they could do and what their names were I’m sure my anger would’ve gotten away.
   The dwarf went by the name of (Chris) and he was a slayer of terrible creatures. The shorter elf went by the name of (Sam) and he is a hunter. The human (Al) was a scribe from what I could tell. Back in the cell more attempts were made to try and free ourselves from the manacles. Time went by don’t know how much, but the tide came in and I was up to my waist in the water. To an Ulricain the water was nothing, but to a young child this would be freezing. As everyone else rushed to the back to stay out of the water I picked up a little child and placed him on my shoulders to keep him out of the water. I prayed to Ulric as I waited for the tide to recede. Finally the water went away and I was able to set the boy down on the ground. I know what it’s like to be alone without your family so I felt a need to protect the child.
   Slavers arrived to take more people away. I ushered the child behind me to keep him hidden. (Chris) Tried to steal the mail shirt guy’s sword again but failed. While the slaver closest to me was distracted I tossed my chain around his neck. Before I got the chance to pull the chain tight he ripped it off and started beating me. It took three hits to knock me out. As my vision waved I saw as a slaver with a mole on his upper lip dragging the little boy away. When I awoke the child had still not returned. At this my rage bubbled to the surface and I went to work trying to free myself from my shackles.
   (Chris) managed to break his open. (Sam)’s brother from helped me get out of my manacles by using seaweed that had floated in during the night. As (Chris) attempted to free his feet he hit his foot and let out a loud groan of pain. This caught one of the guards attention and he came in to investigate. Using this opportunity the two elves and me slowly made our way around the back of the crowd toward the gate. When (Chris) was starting to get beat by the guard. I ran for the door. Just before I took off I saw as the taller elf managed to toss a rock that killed the guard who was holding his crossbow towards the crowd.
   When I had reached the man’s dead body. I quickly slid the elves the crossbow with some bolts and then grabbed the man’s club. With it in hand I charged back into the room. I swung the club but missed the slaver. I wasn’t used to the stupid weapon and as a result I started getting beat. Eventually I was knocked out cold. I awoke when mail shirt and 20 other slavers came. He asked who started it and when he wasn’t getting answers picked up a boy to threaten him. The boy told him it was us. The slavers dragged us outside and chained us up. Clooney came out to talk about how he was disappointed in us and he was trying to be nice so as punishment he would have to leave us out over night. As he spoke the only disappointment I felt was that he didn’t come closer so I could head-butt him. Either that or just kill him now. After he left the tide came in up to my neck. The five us made attempts to either knock over the pole or climb up it. (Sam)’s brother managed to climb up a decent ways until some cowards started throwing rocks in an attempt to knock him off the pole. When all my attempts ended in failure I just relaxed and waited for morning to come.
   When morning came they brought us back to the cell. My strength was gone from all the efforts of the previous day. The others looked about the same if not worse. Back in the cell the other slaves tried to warm we back up. After a few I went over to the boy who sold us out and I hugged him. I told him that it was alright that I did not hate him or want to hurt him for what he did. I then told him about Ulric and how amazing he is and how next time he should be brave just like Ulric. While I had been talking to him (Al) came over and pushed the little boy muttering something to the boy. I stood and faced him ready to kill him if he made one more move towards that boy. He did not and moved away.
   Clooney had sent for us once again. When we arrived he offered warm soup and food. This time I took the food without a fight. I needed my strength back so that I could keep attempting to get out and kill Clooney and that guy with the mole. Clooney offered us our freedom if we in return became slavers for him. My rage came bubbling up again. I put a hold on it and continued to listen. When he finished I asked for some time to think and talk with the others. This was true I had wanted to see what the others were planning. When Clooney left mail shirt came in and gave us the keys to our stuff and manacles. I smiled to myself I had not even told them I would help only that I wish to think. What fools giving me my stuff back? I turned to the other and said I’m fighting them. I said I would not become a slaver or turn children over to Clooney. Just as we were talking a man burst in yelling about how they were under attack. With the others ready we burst out of the house.
   Ulric favored me greatly as the man with the mole ran past. With a mighty swing to the man’s midriff I knocked him off his feet as he kneeled covering his stomach I walked up behind him, and grab his head saying “This is for touching that child” and twisted with all my might. I heard the wonderful sound of his neck snapping. With him dead the others and I ran for mail shirt. As we approached he yelled for us to help at the main gate. He realized too late that we weren’t there to help. (Sam) older brother managed to bury an arrow in him just as (Chris) and I reached him and swung with our weapons. With a few swings of my hammer and (Chris) axe he was gone. The two elves managed to dispatch his two men that had rushed in to help with ease.
   With a loud crash I turned to see Bruno Clooney’s guard ogre breaking out into combat. I witnessed him dispatch a few of the soldiers with 2 swings of his club. This would be a glorious battle one worthy of a disciple of Ulric. So we charged. The two elves let loose arrows. Most of the arrows deflected off. When we reached the ogre I felt a chill run through my body as I swung my hammer. As the others attempted to hit the ogre I was smashing away with blows. And with a mighty swing I yelled “For Ulric” and I leapt bringing down my hammer smashing the ogre with all my might in the chest. The sound of cracking bones and ribs filled the air as the ogre fell to the ground defeated. In frenzy I charged into the house where Clooney had been hiding.
   As I entered the house I just got a chance to see Clooney right before he fired a coward’s weapon, a pistol. The bullet was going to strike true, but right before it made contact the bullet was redirected harmlessly avoiding me by what seemed to be cold frost. My rage seemed to come from Ulric himself angry at the use of such a weapon. I felt my legs moving and my hammer come crashing down as I watched from deep inside my own mind. Clooney dodged the hammer and raised his second pistol and tried to fire. Again Ulric favored me as the powder did not ignite and I was able to strike Clooney. It was not as a hit I was proud of but I did manage to hit him. After I finished my swing a sword flew over my head and bounced off the wall and tumbled down the stairs. With a quick glance I saw (Chris) below me. He had come to join the fight. I really started to like him. He had some serious courage for charging in after hearing a gun shot. Turning my attention back to Clooney I dodged as he tried to pistol whip me. I countered but he managed to dodge my attack. After a few more trading of blows I stepped back giving (Chris) room to attack. He charged and with a good right hook knocked Clooney back. Clooney held up the pistol and fired. It connects with (Chris) but he is a strong warrior and endured it as he pressed on. By now the other elf had joined us.
   Clooney tried escaping out the back seeing that he was out numbered. I tried to follow down the secret hatch he had used but got stuck. (Chris) made it worse and jumped on me. I’m not a cushion I hope they knew that. As I came crushing to the ground I felt (Chris) roll off of me only to have the elf land on me. I watched as the elf and (Chris) chase Clooney out the back door. Just as Clooney went outside he dropped a bomb. The others did not see it and where standing to closer. With all the effort I could manage I ran grabbed the bomb and tossed it yelled what it was. The three of us kept on running after him and just as we reached the escape route in the back the bomb went off.
   The elf not stopping seemed to glide effortlessly through the narrow passage. I managed to just squeeze pass but it was slow moving. By the time I made it through the elf and Clooney were engaged in melee. I moved in close to Clooney giving the elf a chance to disengage. Clooney swung at me but I ducked and managed to smash my hammer into his leg just as the elf’s arrow killed him. I grabbed the body and carried it back to the house to go through spoils. I was impressed with the elf he is a good shot with that bow. I look forward to working with him more. (Sam) could learn a little from him. When we got back to the Clooney’s house I looked through his body and found some interesting things. The most was a map and a scroll that I cannot read due to the odd dialect. I asked (al) but he did not know either. I put the spoils in my bag waiting till later to divide up the rewards. Two men entered the house and demanded we remain here. This was frustrating since we just fought for our freedom and now we are being told that we need to do as where told. A higher ranking officer came in and told us the same thing.
   I obeyed this command without question because he was defiantly my better. While we waited we decided to eat some food. A lord by the name of Lord Federico Ostwald entered and had a grave look on his face. I tried offering him food but he refused and he asked if we had seen a specific girl in the camp. None of us had seen her and I could tell that he was very pained at hearing this. HE asked for us to remain a little longer and left. He was talking outside and I over heard how they wanted to kill (Chris) and make an example out of him. I grieved to hear this because I could not let this happen. This man had fought bravely and been help in my freedom my honor would not allow it. Lucky the lord said that he would not and he needed time to think. Time went by and he finally returned.
   Upon his return he asked for us to find and bring his daughter back to him. (Chris) was in at the mention of danger. This dwarf is extremely amusing to me. I said I was in and I would bring his daughter back on my honor. He told us that he’d give us whatever we wanted and I thought about this as the other asked for what they wanted and needed for the adventure. Then it came to me. When Lord Federico Ostwald explained how his daughter had been taken he mentioned an anointed priest of Ulric was killed during the capture. He was on his way with the daughter to one of Lord Federico Ostwald’s cities and build a shrine to Ulric. This angered me that a disciple of Ulric was killed while on such an honorable journey. So guess what I asked for....No nothing for me but for Ulric. I asked Lord Federico Ostwald when I returned with his daughter that a temple be built to Ulric and people would make offerings to Ulric. He said yes. Ulric will be heard through this world as a force to reckon with. I will bring back his fame to this misguided world. Well that’s all that happened so far. I can’ wait to be under way and bring honor and glory to the snow king. I’ll write the next chance I get. Hopefully I’ll have another great tale to tell you.
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