I am about to start mustering my forces (

) but I figured I should first settle on a time with you. Ideally I'd like to aim for the afternoon, but I just spoke to the shopkeep and he informs me that the tables are going to be full until 7pm for a 40k event >.< . He said that there was a CHANCE that we'd get a table in the back before 7, if a few ppl didn't show up...
I suppose considering that they are having 'national tabletop day' afterwards, we should maybe just aim for 7:30...? 'Stupid Easter or else I wouldn't be worrying about the time so much

Let me know what your thoughts are,
P.S. I saw this guy playing AGOT at PAX last weekend...rather, he was teaching 5 newbs to play! I wonder if he had any time left to do other things at the convention :-P.