How to register for your turn:
Please send me a private message either through the forum, or to my email at paulcwyatt@gmail.com with the following.
Please put: Storms and Shadows: [planet name] in the starting line
Inside the email:
[Army Name] at [current tile] will move to [destination tile]. If it is going to attempt a bombing run, or take any other specific action (like refill points at a bastion) please indicate so.
S1 at 7 will move to 11.
W1 at 25 will move to 29 for a bombing run.
S2 will stay at 10 with the Bastion and refill to 2000 points from my bank.
If you feel there are any errors on the map, please contact me immediately so I can correct them. Any corrections will be sent to all participants to check if any movement corrections need to be made.