Author Topic: Boardgame Torture!!  (Read 2935 times)


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Boardgame Torture!!
« on: July 31, 2014, 11:06:48 AM »
I went to an unusually painfully boring meeting today, and I spent my time wondering what forms of torture I would honestly rather go through than going to said meeting. And of course, they were all board game related.

Here is a scale I came up with: (best first)

- Playing a game of Monopoly (not too bad)

- Playing any of my games with a no. 1 rating

- Playing candy land with a d20

- Playing candy land for an hour (with a -1 modifier).

And of course, none of the above count if played with kids (which might actually make the game fun!).

Any more ideas?? (I need a more sophisticated scale methinks :)