Author Topic: W: TYRANIDS H: MISC WFB  (Read 1564 times)


  • Heroic Tier Level 2
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  • Posts: 103
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« on: December 22, 2014, 03:31:28 PM »
hey guys I am looking for some Tyranid stuff let me know if your looking to trade
1.) Swarm lord/Tyrant
2.) 10x Warriors
3.) Gaunts
4.) Carnifex
5.) Lictors
6.) Current Codex

1.) Current High Elf army book
2.) Current High elf lore cards
3.) OOP High Elf book
4.) Malus Darkblade novels 1&2
5.) Swords of the emperor novel
6.) Dwarf Bitz let me know what you need
7.) Cemetary terrain from the kit still on sprue not all of it but some is there maybe enough to make one moselium
« Last Edit: January 29, 2015, 01:29:35 PM by Chaosconsumesus »
I play
WHFB- Dwarves
WH40K- Tyranids
Bolt Action- US Paratroopers
Super Dungeon Explore