Author Topic: Captain con 2015. Year two twice as big and twice as loud!  (Read 4233 times)

Sam Butler

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Captain con 2015. Year two twice as big and twice as loud!
« on: April 01, 2015, 06:20:25 PM »
Hey guys!

the KS for Captain con 2015 is now live.   
We are using KS to handle presales of badges as well as to promote the con.

the KS  is 79% funded with 25 days left!
pre order your badges at

The more preorders we get the more sweet loot we can make and pass along to our backers.

Furthermore if there is a game or event you would like to run please fill out the form here

to apply to volunteer at the con fill out the form here

CaptainCon 2015 is going to be bigger and better than ever.  And the first part of that is a great hotel.  We will once again be a the Holiday Inn, Taunton, MA and we’ve secured a discounted room rate of $109 (plus tax) per night.
Just use code CC5 when you book online at the hotel web site or call 1-800-315 2621  toll free

What Captain con is...

CaptainCon will be 3 days of around-the-clock tabletop gaming July 17 – 19, 2015.  Our mission is to bring you the best gaming experiences available at a reasonable cost with as few restrictions as possible so that you can play what you want when you want in a fun and open atmosphere.

 This means:
    24 hour access to the convention’s game space
    A robust schedule of organized competitive miniatures games tournaments including the New England Team Tournament for WARMACHINE and HORDES
    Plenty of table space for casual miniature gaming, board gamin, and Role playing games
    A demo area where you can learn and try new games with the coaching of experienced players
    A dedicated hobby area where you can assemble or paint models (we’ll supply the paint) and chat with friends
    The Captain’s Log achievement system that rewards you with the ability to get prizes that aren’t tied just to winning games
To summarize we intend to bring an entire weekend of hanging out with friends, enjoying challenging games, and just generally having fun with an amazing group of great people

Keep your eyes on this thread and our Facebook page for future updates. 

Please spread the word:

    Like us on Facebook
    Follow us on Twitter @CaptConvention and @NEPrivateers for updates
« Last Edit: April 10, 2015, 02:00:36 PM by Sam Butler »

Sam Butler

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Re: Captain con 2015. Year two twice as big and twice as loud!
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2015, 06:15:16 PM »
The KS is now more than 2/3 funded.    WE have some awesome free swag planned for backers who back at Officer and above if we hit our stretch goals.

Sam Butler

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Re: Captain con 2015. Year two twice as big and twice as loud!
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2015, 08:38:43 PM »
the KS is now more than 75% funded. AS stated before once we start hitting the stretch goals backers will start getting some rather neat stuff for no additional fee.

Bring your Malifaux Crew to CaptainCon!
No, not just your miniatures, your crew of friends too. We will be host to a weekend-long team competition. Register for the weekend with a 3-player team, earn points over the weekend and compete for bragging rights as having the best team over multiple events.

+5 points if all members of the team back the Kickstarter and pre-register
+2 points for each team member backing the Kickstarter at the CREW through SENIOR OFFICER level
+6 points for each team member backing the Kickstarter at CAPTAIN level or higher
+3 points for each person playing a tournament with a fully painted army
+3 points for having a team member place 1st in any Malifaux event
+2 points for having a team member place 2nd in any Malifaux event
+1 point for having a team member place 3rd in any Malifaux event
-3 points for having a team member finish last in (or drop from) any Malifaux event
+10 points for having a team shirt made specifically for CaptainCon (has to have something that says CaptainCon 2015 specifically)
+5 points for having a Malifaux-themed team chant and singing it one or more times during the weekend

This is not the same as Captain's Log points but there will be prizes here as well so gather your team and join us at CaptainCon.

Also Want to attend the East Coast Rumble for free? We've got a 3-day pass to give away and it's easy to win. Thanks to the East Coast Rumble crew for supporting CaptainCon and hooking us up with this cool prize.
For details go to the Captain con FB page.

As always, please back and spread the word:
« Last Edit: April 06, 2015, 08:44:48 PM by Sam Butler »

Sam Butler

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Re: Captain con 2015. Year two twice as big and twice as loud!
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2015, 01:59:45 PM »
I've got the event descriptions for the 40k stuff from Captain Con.

check the website for specific timing of the events, but there should be something for everyone.

Friday 40k tournament (1500 pts)

Game System: Warhammer 40,000

Event Name: 1500 Point standard tournament
Capacity: 12 players

Description: Warhammer 40,000 (informally known as Warhammer 40K, WH40K or simply 40K) is a tabletop miniature wargame produced by Games Workshop, set in a dystopian science-fantasy "grimdark" universe. Warhammer 40,000's space-fantasy setting spans a vast fictional universe set in the far future of the forty-first millennium. Its various factions and races include the Imperium of Man, a decentralized yet totalitarian interstellar empire that has ruled the vast majority of humanity for millennia

Players MUST use the same army list throughout the tournament.
The Warhammer 40,000 7th Edition Rules and all relevant Games Workshop Errata and FAQs will be used.
A separate printed army list is required for the judges and each of your opponents (minimum of 5 copies required).
Each player must bring a Warhammer 40,000 rulebook and the codex (or codices) represented in their army and all materials needed to play a game/report the results - including dice, measuring devices, templates, and a writing implement.
The models used in your army MUST be WYSIWYG.
If illegal units or rules violations are found in a player's list, at a minimum, the models in violation will be removed from all subsequent play. Tournament points may be deducted and award eligibility may be forfeited. (AKA no Cheating)

Stronghold and Escalation will not be used at this event.
FW models may ONLY be used to represent regular codex entries.
Unless assigned a specific VC all the rules for the extras in the book are only worth 1VP (linebreaker warlord kill etc)
No Mysterious Terrain, or Objectives
No Fortress, or Skyshield.
Objectives may not be placed inside a Bastion, or higher than the 1st floor of any ruin.
Warlord traits:
Nominate three tables. Roll 1D6 for each. Pick one result.

Battle points (by mission)

Army Composition Start at 10 pts then adjusted for following, Caps at +25:
1 HQ choice +2pts
2 or more HQ choices +0
1 Named Character +0
More than 1 named Character -5pts for each named character past the first.
More than 1 AV 14 vehicle (such as a Land raider, or Monolith) -5 per each past 1
More than 2 Flyers -5 for each additional flyer.
No Flyers +5pts
More Troops than other force org slots +5 pts for each additional troops choice.
(example 5 troops, 1 Fast Attack, 1 Elite, 1 Heavy 1 HQ = +5 Pts)
More units than double troops choices (not counting HQ) -5 for each additional special choice.
(example 2 Troops, 2 Fast Attack, 2 Heavy = -5)
Super heavies will count as 4 force org choices for purposes of calculating the comp rating.

Sportsmanship 6pts per round
Lose points for:
-3 Player did not have necessary items to play game promptly (Dice, army Rulebook, measuring implement)
-1 Player played in an untimely fashion (game did not progress past turn 3 unless opponent was tabled)
-1 No printed army list (hand written counts as long as the list is legible)
-1 Was not a fun opponent to play against.

regarding Missions.
any Victory conditions listed in the Base rulebook are considered a simple +1 Battle point modifier unless otherwise noted in the mission description.


Game System: Warhammer 40,000 Zone Mortalis

Event Name: Bughunt!
Capacity: 8 players
Description: Bughunt! is a team format scenario game that will take place inside a derelict spacecraft adrift in orbit above the planet of San Lorenzo, Who knows what lurks within its labyrinthine depths. Riches and glory await the victor...

Each team will consist of 2 players,
Each player may bring a force of up to 1000pts of 40k models

Players should be familiar with the Zone Mortalis rules as published by Forge World and available for download here:

Armies will consist of 1000 points or less, consisting of a single Primary Detachment and must conform to the following Force Organization restrictions for “Combatant” as listed on page 2 of the Zone Mortalis rules
1-2 HQ
1-3 Troops (you MUST bring at least one Troop choice)
0-2 Elite
0-2 Fast Attack
0-1 Heavy Support

Players MUST use the same army list throughout the tournament.

Codices that are released prior to June 17th, 2015 will be allowed in this event. Forge World army lists and material from the Horus Heresy books WILL NOT be allowed in this event.

Forces selected for the Zone Mortalis event should be chosen from their Codex as normal, with the following exceptions:

Units may not select Dedicated Transport options.
No unit may have a starting size greater than 15 models before being joined by Independent Characters.
Vehicles, other than Walkers, may not be chosen unless their models are no more than 4" wide.
Flyers may not be chosen at all.
Monstrous Creatures needing more than a 60mm round base may not be chosen.
Imperial Armour units (Forge World) are allowed in this event and are considered to be part of the relevant Codex or faction, however due to the scarce nature of these units; each unit is considered unique (0-1) and may only be taken once per team

In ALL cases, only the most currently published rules for any particular unit will be allowed. A complete list of allowable units and rules locations can be found in the AdeptiCon 2015 Warhammer 40K Approved Imperial Armour Units document.
Fortifications, Allies (including Codex Inquisition), Data Slates, Lords of War Units, Forge World army lists and material from the Horus Heresy books WILL NOT be allowed in this event

Victory will be determined by the scenario.

Combat patrol

Game system: Warhammer 40,000

Event name: 500pt combat patrol
Capacity: 24 players

Armies will consist of 400 pointsor less, and must be constructed utilizing ONE of the following options:
0-1 Modified Combined Arms Detachment :
0-1 HQ
1-6 Troops
0-1 Elite
0-1 Fast Attack
0-1 Heavy Support

All Troops in this Detachment gain the ‘Objective Secure’ special rule.
0-1 Unique Codex Detachment

Players MUST use the same army list throughout the tournament.

Codices, Codex Supplements and Warhammer 40K Campaign Supplements that are released prior to February 19th, 2015 will be allowed in this event.
Apocalypse War Zone supplements, Apocalypse Formations, ForgeWorld army lists and material from the Horus Heresy books WILL NOT be allowed in this event.

Unique units, Imperial Knights, Allied Detachments, Data Slates, Fortifications, Lords of War, Imperial Armor Units (Forge World) will NOT be in used in this event.

Rules Modification (All Units):
Vehicles with armor value facings over 12 are considered to be 12 for the duration of all games, but may be reduced further due to game effects.

Vehicles with more than 3 hulls points are reduced to 3 at the start of the game. Hull points may not be restored beyond their starting value.

Other than Troops and units with the ‘Swarm’ USR, units with more than starting 2 wounds are reduced to 2 wounds at the start of the game. Wounds may not be restored beyond their starting value.

Rules Modification (Psykers):
All Psykers may only attempt to manifest ONE Warp Charge psychic powers.
Psykers may exchange powers as normal.•
Rules Modification (Flyers/Reserves):
At the start of your Turn One, and each turn thereafter, you must roll a D6 for each Flyer being held in reserve. If the roll is a 3 or higher, the Flyer and any and all associated embarked units arrive at the start of the following turn.
Flyers and all embarked units will automatically arrive at the start of Turn Five.
Example: On Turn Three, a Necron Night Scythe with troops makes a successful Reserve Roll - they will arrive on Turn Four. There is no need to make a Reserve Roll at the beginning of Turn Four, as all remaining Flyers and embarked units will automatically show up at the beginning of Turn Five.
A printed army list is required for the judges and each of your opponents (minimum of 6 copies required).

Each army list MUST contain the following details:
Player Name, the name of any Detachment (Modified Combined Arms Detachment, Nemesis Strike Force, Wrecker Node, etc.), the units included in each Detachment, the Faction of each Detachment.

The Warhammer 40,000 7th Edition Rules and all relevant Games Workshop Errata and FAQs will be used.
In the case of a conflict between a printed and digital versions, the most recent update or FAQ will take precedence.

The AdeptiCon 2015 Warhammer 40K Rules Addendum and FAQ will be used to resolve additional rules disputes.

Each player must bring a Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, the most currently published rules for all units represented in their army and all materials needed to play a game/report the results - including dice, measuring devices, templates, and a writing implement.

All players are expected to abide by the Captain Con Conduct Policy.

The models used in your army must comply with the Captain Con Model Policy
(all models MUST be WYSIWYG and painted to a 3-colors minimum).•
If illegal units or rules violations are found in a player's list, at a minimum, the models in violation will be removed from all subsequent play. Tournament points may be deducted and award eligibility may be forfeited. Please use the feedback form on the Captain Con 2015 website to ask any questions you or your club may have regarding rules issues or legal units in advance!•
Captain Con Tournament Judges' and Officers' rulings are final and arguments or poor conduct by players will not be tolerated. Captain Con reserves the right to remove players from the event or Captain Con itself with no refunds allowed.

Sam Butler

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Re: Captain con 2015. Year two twice as big and twice as loud!
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2015, 03:24:16 PM »
Special event descriptions
Captain Con 2015, Captain's Log:
Every game you play whether you win or lose , as well as every tournament you complete (if you drop you get nada) gains you points that will be redeemable from the convention prize support.

(all weekend)
2014 was an exciting year for Malifaux at CaptainCon and in 2015 we’re going to have an even bigger and better presence.  Most notably, CaptainCon has been selected to host a National Qualifier for the North American NoVA Malifaux Championship during Labor Day weekend 2015.

Thanks to the local Henchmen, we will also be hosting a weekend-long Malifaux Team Competition.  Round up your friends into a team of 3 players to register for this event and compete over the weekend to earn points, bragging rights, and prizes.  The BEST TEAM award will be given Sunday evening at 5pm as part of the closing ceremonies.

Each team must nominate one member as the Team Captain to be the point of contact with organizers for all things related to the team challenge – reporting on scoring and having the final say on team matters.

Here’s how you earn points:

    +5 points if all members of the team back the Kickstarter and pre-register
    +2 points for each team member who backs the Kickstarter at the CREW throuhg SENIOR OFFICER level
    +6 points for each team member backing the Kickstarter at the CAPTAIN level or higher
    +3 points for each team member playing in a Malifaux tournament with a fully painted army
    +3 points for having a team member place 1st in any Malifaux event
    +2 points for having a team member place 2nd in any Malifaux event
    +1 point for having a team member place 3rd in any Malifaux event
    -3 points for having a team member finish last (or drop from) any Malifaux event
    +10 points for having a team shirt/uniform made specifically for CaptainCon (must have something that says CaptainCon 2015 specifically)
    +5 points for having a Malifaux-themed team chant and singing it one or more times during the weekend

Note:  This is not the same points system as the Captain’s Log, but there will be prizes here as well, so gather your Malifaux crew and join us at CaptainCon.

List of organized play events (by day, and system)   for event rules go to the events section of the CaptainCon2015 website


Enforcer Brawl
Maximum Players:  24

Henchman Hardcore
Maximum Players:  32

Gaining Grounds National Qualifier Tournament (National Qualifier for the North American NoVA Malifaux Championship at the NoVa Open)
Maximum Players:  36
NoVa Open 2015 Qualifier

Team Pairings Gaining Grounds
Maximum Players:  36

Additionally the winner of the Warmachine/Hordes CaptainCon 2015 Masters tournament will qualify for a spot at WARMACHINE Weekend.

WM/HORDES 8-Player Scrambles
Maximum Players:  Until we run out of tables

WM/HORDES Standard Issue Tournament
Time:   Registration starts at 10am, dice roll at 11am
Maximum Players:  4 flights of 16 players each
Masters Qualifier:   The winner of each flight will be qualified for the Warmachine/Hordes Masters Tournament

WM/HORDES Midnight Specialists
Maximum Players: 48 – 3 flights of 16 players each
Masters Qualifier:   Winner of each flight qualifies for Masters on Sunday

WM/HORDES New England Team Tournament
The premier WM/H event at CaptainCon.  Gather your teammates to fight for a spot in the Masters, bragging rights, and to put your names on the traveling trophy.
Maximum Players:  32 teams of 3 members each
Masters Qualifier: All members of top 3 teams qualify for Masters on Sunday

WM/HORDES Midnight Death Race
32 Player capacity
Invitation only, (16 players)

Warhammer 40,000 1500 Point standard tournament
Capacity: 12 players

Bughunt! (Warhammer 40,000 Zone Mortalis)
Capacity: 8 players
Description: Bughunt! is a team format scenario game that will take place inside a derelict spacecraft adrift in orbit above the planet of San Lorenzo, Who knows what lurks within its labyrinthine depths. Riches and glory await the victor...

Epic Armageddon (Warhammer 40,000 Epic)
Maximum Players:  4 per game (2 games on saturday)
Come try out Games Workshop’s mass battle game set in the 41st millennium. All miniatures will be provided (unless you want to bring your own) and all rules will be taught.

500 pt Combat patrol
Small scale fast games of Warhammer 40,000.

Infinity “Campaign” Tournament
Maximum Players:  24

Infinity Grand Tournament
Maximum Players:  24

X-Wing Dogfight Tournament
Maximum Players:  16

X-Wing Team Tournament
Maximum Players:  8 teams of 2 players each

Dark Age
Dark Age March to Immortality Tournament
Maximum Players:  32
Do you want to live forever?  Well, not all your troops may live through the battle, but your legacy may go on forever as a character in the game.  As with all MTI events, 1st place earns $200 on travel expenses to GenCon to play in the Immortals Event and earn the right to be immortalized as a character in the game.

Arcadia Quest
Arcadia Quest Questing Nights Session 1
Maximum Players:  8

Arcadia Quest Questing Nights Session 2
Maximum Players:  4 (qualifying players from Friday)

Fate RPG
Maximum Players:  4

Wrath of Kings
Wrath of Kings Skirmish Tournament
Maximum Players:  32

Star Trek: Attack Wing
Star Trek: Attack Wing Constructed Tournament
Maximum Players:  16

Flames of War
Flame Canada!  Flames of War Tournament
Maximum Players:  16
Not going to Historicon for US Nationals this weekend?
Thinking of joining the New England invasion of Ottawa for Canadian Nationals?
 Come tune up your Mid War 1710 (no mid war monsters) list for the Canadian event.
This three round tournament will follow exact rules of the Canadian National tournament.
 Please submit your lists to by July 4th.

Sam Butler

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Re: Captain con 2015. Year two twice as big and twice as loud!
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2015, 04:51:51 PM »
 I'm sure you all know we have gaming, but did you notice that we have a painting contest?

If you want to enter, you have just over three months to get ready.

This is for everyone. You don't have to be a golden demon level painter.

Entry Restrictions
The following defines the overall guidelines to entering the Draconic Awards competition. However, some of the guidelines may be adjust by the event being held.

If both Journeymen and Master Class competitions are to be held at an event, competitors can only enter into one of the competitions.

Only two entries are allowed per category.

Deadline for entries will be set on an event by event basis as time can vary depending on the event. The deadline should be set to allow judges ample time to vote on all the entries.

Scenic bases and plinths do not count towards size restrictions.
Entries that have won a placement in another publicized compeition is not eligiable for the Draconic Awards. (see below)

What does winning placement and publicized mean?
If your entries have placed in another publicized competition, it is ineligible for the Draconic Awards. Let's take a look at what this means.

A publicized competition or event means that the event entries were announced and/or shown online or in print. If you entered it into a small local game store contest and no one really knows about it, you're good. If your piece was part of a "best painted army" award type of thing from a gaming tournament you played in, you're safe as well.

Winning a placement in a comptition means you've won AGAINST someone for an award (1st, 2nd, 3rd, best of show, best of category... etc.). Merit based awards (like our coins and pins) is not considered placement as the reward was based on personal merit.

So, if you have entered another compeititon that posts their winners and entries online or in a magazine/newspaper/milk carton AND have won, say, second place in a best of category, then your entry is ineligible.

This is important! BOTH of these conditions must be met in which will make your entry ineligible. If you've entered a big competition before and didn't place, we're ok with that. If you have placed but the contest is some small local store event, we're ok with that. If you've never placed in a compeition you never attended, well, you're good to enter but if you had to ask that question, painting is the least of your worries.

General Category Definitions
Single is defined as any normal-sized mini under 54mm in any dimension (excluding extraneous features such as long weapons and banners).
Large single is any single humanoid figure 54-1/6 scale in size. This category does not include vehicles or walkers.
Squad is a themed grouping of at least 3 miniatures. Adherence to any game's force organization rules is unnecessary.
Monsters and Beast is any single monster miniature larger than 3" in any dimension.
Vehicle is defined by an object that fits as Large as well as something that can be ridden, driven, piloted, or flown.
Diorama is any scenic layout mounted on a display plaque. This can include Duels.
Other categories may be added to suit the event theme or preferences

Themed Category Definitions
When required, normally at regional or global events, some of the general categories will be grouped under themed categories. For example, there may be a science fiction category in which a Single, squad and Monster or Vehicle category will be grouped under it and in conjunction with the other theme categories in the event (Fantasy, Horror, Historical… etc.).
The Draconic Award: Homepage
Draconic Awards is a painting competition circuit for miniature painting and hobbyist around the world the improve technique and to gauge how well the fair against other painters.

If you are looking to pick up cool stuff at CaptainCon, we've got you covered. Here's who will be joining us this summer in the vendor room for your shopping pleasure, make sure to thank them by stopping by their tables at the show or their web sites.
the current Vendor list is

- The WarStore - miniatures and more for all your gaming needs
- Wyrmwood Gaming - cool solid wood gaming accessories
- Tectonic Craft Studios - laser cut wood terrain, counters, etc.
- The Whiz Store - awesome LGS with all manner of cool games
- Muse on Minis - tokens and counters and podcasts, oh my!
- Alexandra's Antique Vintage & SteamPunk Jewelry
- Widget Wizards - game aids and etched glassware
- Broken Egg Games - transport trays, tokens, and more
- Coventry Decor - custom etched glassware for gamers

Looking forward to seeing everyone in July. Thanks for spreading the word to all your friends and fellow gamers.

Sam Butler

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Re: Captain con 2015. Year two twice as big and twice as loud!
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2015, 08:09:57 PM »
we're getting down to the final few days so we thought we'd show off a bit of artwork.  Here, for your viewing pleasure, is a first look at two CaptainCon 2015 pin designs we're contemplating as backer rewards and promotional items.  We'd like to know what you think about these, so please tell us on our Facebook page.

Also, since we're down to the final days , we want to take this opportunity to remind you that now is a good time to remind all your friends about CaptainCon and to point them toward the Kickstarter.  For handy convenience, here's the link for easy cut-and-paste into emails and forum posts:

Not only does it help us grow a great convention if you spread the word, but it helps your fellow gamers out too.  They get cheaper badges than the at-the-door price, they get early registration, they get other cool stuff as we unlock stretch goals, and the more people that pre-register for a particular game or game system, the more we'll expand that in future years.
As you know, backing gives you early access to event registration.  Well, here's a little something to interest all the role players out there thinking about early registration.

The Pathfinder Society of Boston will be running role playing sessions all weekend.  Below are only a few samples of the scenarios being offered.

Pathfinder Society Scenario #6–10: The Wounded Wisp [1-2]  (A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–2.) More than 400 years have transpired since the Pathfinder Society began in a humble tavern that has quietly weathered the centuries without incident. When a routine errand there uncovers a clue left behind by one of the founding Pathfinders, it’s up to the PCs to solve a puzzle whose pieces are scattered across Absalom—and whose prize dates back to the Society’s darkest years. "The Wounded Wisp" is an evergreen, replayable scenario designed to help introduce players to the history of the Pathfinder Society and Absalom’s greatest sites.

Pathfinder Society Quest: The Silverhex Chronicles [1] (A series of six Quests designed for 1st-level characters. )  When the daring half-orc scholar Ulisha enrages a noble family in the River Kingdoms, she contacts the PCs with a special deal: she will sell them a unique and ancient druidic relic at a steep discount to secure the gold she needs to pay off her bounty. By the time the PCs arrive to meet her, she has gone into hiding. However, she has left behind a journal full of profitable leads as a sign of good faith. Can the PCs recover this hidden wealth and claim the powerful Silverhex before an assassin finds their friend?

Pathfinder Society Scenario #6–22: Out of Anarchy [1-5] (Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–5.) Several years ago, rebellion in the seaside town of Pezzack resulted in a Chelish blockade to slowly starve the rioters into submission. Since then few have entered or left, trapping the increasingly desperate citizens with little with which to repair their broken homes and eke out a living. When the Society learns that an important informant still lives in the ruined town, the PCs must smuggle themselves into Pezzack, navigate the devastated urban landscape, and extract their contact—all without igniting a new rebellion and inviting Cheliax’s unfettered wrath. Content in “Out of Anarchy” contributes to the ongoing storyline of the Dark Archive and Liberty’s Edge factions.

Pathfinder Society Scenario #6–18: From Under Ice [1-5] (A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 1–5.) Rumors of an ancient settlement and its priceless treasure locked beneath Irrisen’s perpetual ice have reached the Society’s ears. The Pathfinders set out to the Land of the Linnorm Kings with a precious cargo of trade goods to buy their way into the witch-ruled nation, but even approaching Irrisen is fraught with danger. Can the PCs navigate the frozen wastes and recover the relics within, or will the icy climate claim their lives? Content in “From Under Ice” contributes directly to the Year of the Sky Key metaplot as well as the ongoing storyline of the Grand Lodge and Scarab Sages factions.

we've got some nice add-on opportunities for our supporters to celebrate.

Thanks to some additional sponsors, we've been able to move up our stretch goal a bit by offering an exclusive pin and CaptainCon dice as add-on options.  If you're backed at the OFFICER level or above, a set of dice will be included with your backer package while SR. OFFICER and CAPTAIN backers will get both the dice and the pin as part of the package.

Anyone can add dice ($5 per pair) or a pin ($5 each) to their rewards by simply following the "manage pledge" link and adding the appropriate amount to the pledge.
IMPORTANT!  You must add on to your pledge BEFORE the Kickstarter campaign ends.  We are not using an after-campaign service so there will be NO CHANCE to modify your pledge after the campaign ends.

The pin is exclusive to Kickstarter backers.  We will NOT be selling this pin through any other method or at the convention so grab yours now while you can.

Sam Butler

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Re: Captain con 2015. Year two twice as big and twice as loud!
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2015, 02:03:01 PM »
Last day of Captaincon 2015's Kickstarter,

This is the last chance to get the KS exclusive Pin! as well as the Captain, and officer Perks!
« Last Edit: May 05, 2015, 02:11:01 PM by Sam Butler »