Author Topic: Re: My Suggestion To Improve The Message Boards  (Read 2352 times)


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Re: My Suggestion To Improve The Message Boards
« on: July 29, 2010, 12:58:16 PM »
I am not sure if this is do-able, but I think it would certainly be beneficial to everyone here. I suggest the addition of a button put on the main page, or elsewhere that is very visible. This button can be used any time anyone finds anything posted they dislike, feels the messageboards need more attention, or maybe even has had a bad day. This button would be somehow linked directly to one of those electronic dog collars, which Derek would have to wear 24/7. The resulting discharge of electricity would do the following:

1) Ensure that Derek is very aware of all issues relating to the message boards

2) Encourage a pavlovian response to our every want and desire

3) A nervous tick, and a persistant bladder problem

4) Satisfy my personal desire to cause Derek great discomfort and harm that only a true friend can experience.

I hope that you will at least consider my suggestion, as I find it to be very reasonable. If this is not something possible within the confines of the current message board technology, can we at least consider a "Cattle Prod" night at BG?


Welcome Comrad! My friends are in the woods!