Author Topic: Fantasy League Week 2 (1000 - 1500)  (Read 1202 times)


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Fantasy League Week 2 (1000 - 1500)
« on: February 23, 2009, 10:11:28 PM »
Pro tip:  Knowledge is power.

Several different notable events have taken place this week:

The Choas Dwarves have sent scouts out into enemy lands.  The information they provide will likely be put to great use.

The Ogre Kingdoms see great value in the coming battle.  If they are victorious they stand to gain more than usual... however if they do not win......

The Lizardmen (Ron) have had an especially fortunate turn of events.  They have managed to erect a mine in their new land.

The Wood Elves (Jared) are experimenting with new army designs.  They are likely to field more elite troops than usual.  Beware.

The Skaven (ironically enough) have found a way to infest Lizardmen (Kevin) cities and mines with rats!  Fortunately for the Lizardmen, they were able to stop all infestations without much harm done.

The Vampire Counts (Ian) appear to be sweeping through territories with exceptional speed this week... The results of this are still unclear.

The Wood Elves (Ben) have engaged in talks with Orcs in the area.  For the time being they have agreed to not engage each other.

The Warriors of Chaos have planted an ore they call "Fools Gold" in the High Elves new mine.  After the High Elves discovered this, the entire weeks haul has been deemed, "worthless."

With the addition of mines in the area several armies now have a steady flow of income:

The Lizardmen (Ron) have gained 90 gold pieces from their mine.
The Orcs have gained 70 gold pieces from their mine.
The Lizardmen (Kevin) have gained 90 gold pieces from their mine.
The High Elves were not able to mine any actual gold from their mine this week.

Challenges and Battle Results:

Chaos Dwarves (Rob) v Wood Elves (Jared)
The Wood Elves had a minor victory over the Chaos Dwarves at 1500 points.
Jared gains 3 Empire Points.
Rob gains 1 Empire Point.

Ogre Kingdoms (Rich) and Vampire Counts (Josh) v High Elves (Tim)
The Ogre Kingdoms and Vampire Counts massacred the High Elves at 1500 points.
Rich gains 6 Empire Points.  (4 for the game + 2 from event)
Josh gains 4 Empire Points.
Tim gains 1 Empire Point.

Lizardmen (Ron) v Bretonnians (Nick)
Draw at ? ? ? ? points.
Ron gains 2 Empire Points.
Nick gains 2 Empire Points.

Skaven (Steve) v Chaos (Murph)
The Skaven massacred the Warriors of Chaos at 1500 points.
Steve gains 5 Empire Points.
Murph gains 1 Empire Point.

Vampire Counts (Ian) v Orcs (Paul)
The Vampire Counts massacred the Orcs at 1500 points.
Ian gains 5 Empire Points.
Paul gains 1 Empire Point.

Wood Elves (Ben) v Lizardmen (Kevin)
The Wood Elves massacred the Lizardmen at 1500 points.
Ben gains 5 Empire Points.
Kevin gains 1 Empire Point.

The Chaos Dwarves (Rob) raided their land and add 70 additional gold to their treasury (140 total).
The Ogres (Rich) have laid claim to TWO new pieces of land!  They have also built a mine in one of those new areas.
The Lizardmen (Ron) have laid claim to a new piece of land!
The Wood Elves (Jared) have laid claim to a new piece of land.  They have also built a mine in one of their areas.
The Skaven (Steve) have laid claim to a new piece of land.  They have also built a mine in one of their areas and built a castle as well.
The Vampire Counts (Ian) have laid claim to THREE new pieces of land!!
The Wood Elves (Ben) have laid claim to a new piece of land!  They have also built a castle in an area.
The Arimes of Chaos (Murph) have built a mine in one of their areas.
The Vampire Counts (Josh) have laid claim to a new piece of land!  They also built a mine in that new area.
The Bretonnians (Nick) have laid claim to a new piece of land!  They also built a mine in that new area.
The Orcs (Paul) build a castle in an area.
The Lizardmen (Kevin) build a castle in an area and LOST a mine in an area.
The High Elves (Tim) raided their territory and add 60 gold to their treasury.

« Last Edit: March 02, 2009, 09:55:04 PM by Chase »
"In the absence of orders, go find something and kill it."
- Field Marshal Erwin Rommel