Author Topic: Looking for old OOP space marine captains and vet sarges  (Read 1620 times)


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Looking for old OOP space marine captains and vet sarges
« on: July 12, 2015, 12:51:22 PM »
Hey all,

As I have officially given up on being anything other that a painter/hobbyist, I am working on a for fun 40K project.  I got a golf ball display case for my wall from Kohl's, as it is the perfect size for most single models on foot.  I am just painting marines from various chapters to go in there, mostly AoBR troopers.  For the first founding chapters how ever, I wanted to get more of the OOP classic metals, especially if they are chapter specific (i.e. I already have the old Ultramarine captain and the old Dark Angel captain).  For instance, for the Iron Hands I would like to get the old vet sarge with the bionic arm.

Anyone have any of these they want to let go?  Of any ideas for good models for each first founding chapter?  I would definitely be interested in the Blood Angel captain and that bionic arm sarge to start!

I will probably open a thread in the painting forum too, to get motivated and harvest any ideas people have...


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Re: Looking for old OOP space marine captains and vet sarges
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2015, 11:40:42 PM »
I like the old metal models too.  I  go on eBay and look for bargain metal marines, because you can use acetone to strip them quickly and safely.  I strongly recommend giving it a try--you can get minis for $5-$8 each, with patience.