Author Topic: 1500pt Warhammer 40k Tournament - 2/25  (Read 2442 times)


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1500pt Warhammer 40k Tournament - 2/25
« on: February 12, 2017, 08:50:13 PM »
Format: Singles (1v1) 1500 points per person
Date: February 25th
Time: Please be here no later than 10:00am. Dice roll no later than 10:30am.
Entrance Fee: $20.00 per person

175 Mansfield Ave
Norton MA 02766

Please contact me at to sign up if and only if you can commit to playing on February 25th.


This event will be capped at 24 players.

Rule Books:
The Warhammer 40,000 SEVENTH Edition Rules will be used.

All codices, supplements, dataslates, and formations will be allowed in this event unless otherwise noted. If you choose to use something from a digital supplement or dataslate you MUST provide the organizers and opponents with the rules for your unit upon submission / presentation of your army list.


1. Each player must bring a BATTLE-FORGED army consisting of 1500 points or fewer (1475 min), in accordance with these rules.

• Armies may be constructed from a maximum of 3 Detachments (as defined in the 40K BRB, Formations = Detachments).

• Forge World and Imperial Armor lists that are 40k Approved will be legal for this event.
If you make use of FW or IA models or units, you MUST submit the rules and point cost for them when you send in your list.

• Super heavies and gargantuan creatures are not allowed.

• The following fortifications may be taken as listed in Stronghold Assault (You must have the relevant rules available for your opponent upon request:
• Aegis Defence Line
• Imperial Bastion
• Wall of Martyrs (WoM) Defence Line
• WoM Defence Emplacement
• WoM Bunker
• WoM Firestorm Redoubt
• WoM Vengeance Weapon Battery
• Promethium Relay Pipes
• Skyshield Landing Pad

2. All models must follow “What You See Is What You Get” (WYSIWYG). All weapons, war gear, and so forth must be represented on the model unless otherwise approved (see number 3). Your models do not need to be painted but they do need to be FULLY assembled.

3. Pictures of conversions or "counts as" models must be emailed to the Tournament Organizer. There is an expectation that your conversions or "counts as" models are "hobby quality." No "toys" will be allowed.

4. We will require that each player submits his army list to a Battleground Tournament Organizer on or before Feb 20th (roughly a week before the event). We ask that players email their lists to as soon as they are finalized. We are going to do our best to check every list before the event begins.

5. If illegal units or other rules violations are found in a player’s army list, at a minimum, the models in violation will be removed from all subsequent play. In addition, tournament points may be deducted and/or award eligibility may be forfeited. If in doubt, please ask for clarification in advance from a Battleground Tournament Organizer.


• Competitors will participate in three (3) games over the course of the day. In each game, you will play a scenario and record the outcome of the battle on your results sheet. Each round you will play a different opponent.

• Each round will last 2 hours. Players may begin playing as soon as they have finished deployment.

• In the first round, players will be matched up randomly. After the first round, players will be matched up according to current rankings in the tournament (based on the number of points they've scored) e.g., the team in first place will play the team in second place and so on. We will try our best not to pair players that come to the event together or regularly play each other in the first round. If a team receives a BYE they will be awarded max points.

• Slow playing will NOT be tolerated. Players are expected to complete at least 4 rounds. If you suspect your opponent is slow playing PLEASE notify a Battleground staff member as soon as possible as we can not do anything about alleged slow play after the fact.


The SEVENTH Edition Rulebook and all FAQs will be in use for all games and will be the definitive guide for all rules. The time limit for each game is 2 hours and players will have 10 minutes to deploy their armies. At the end of this time limit, the round will be called; players will need to finish the round as quickly as possible.

The scenarios can be found here:

What You Need to Bring with You:
-Your (hopefully painted) miniatures
-At least THREE copies of your army list
-Rulebooks and any additional books you need
-Pen and paper
-Dice and templates
-Tape measure
-Something to transport your army from table to table

Store Credit Awards will be given out to:
Store credit is good for any product in the store and all subsequent events. It never expires and will be saved for you.

Best General
Second Best General
Third Best General

Best Appearance - Army (individual)

Smokin' Boots - You got crushed... and you deserve an award for your epic failure.

A player may only win one award. The Best Appearance awards may go to any one player participating in the event, regardless of their finish / other awards.

• A note on the Appearance award - We will award the individual who we feel has the best looking army. We will use a scoring rubric that looks at painting, basing, display boards, and various other "extras" to determine the winner.

Please email with any questions.
"In the absence of orders, go find something and kill it."
- Field Marshal Erwin Rommel