Painting well comes with practice. Trying different techniques and seeing which work best together are key.
While I'm not a great painter, my stuff looks decent from arms length which is good enough for me (table top quality).
My suggestion right off the bat? Pick up some devlan mud wash and black wash from BG. Take one of your test models and apply the basic colors. If you are going standard Blood Angles, coat the whole model in red (or whatever your base color is) then pick out the Aquila with gold (or whatever) then pick out the eyes with a green (or whatever), pick out some random details and then coat it with either Devlan Mud or the Black wash.
Once the wash dries, I will be surprised if you are not happy with the results.
GW washes make even the most terrible painters like myself not annoy the better painters at the store with our eye sores.

Seriously, I use no advanced techniques and I'm sure the better painters are annoyed how little effort I put into my models.
Here is evidence of the magic of washes:
My Death Guard:

My Berserker Ogryn