Author Topic: The time has come...  (Read 7408 times)


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Re: The time has come...
« Reply #15 on: October 08, 2010, 11:42:40 AM »
I have found that learning the techniques found all the different codex(s) sets a good base for you to learn upon. Eventually you develop your own technique or method that works for you.

I always buy more models than I have painted. I have trouble buying a box at a time and focusing on them from start to finish. I prefer to build and prime. Then when it comes to painting I will take a big group of units, mix paint to my liking, and do a base on multiple units and leave them be. Often it's sloppy but I know I will clean it up when I feel like adding the detail - and highlighting/ fancy base is always the very last thing on my mind save for special characters.

I like to go home, pour some whiskey, and have a surplus of units to pick from. I will grab one and work on that one for the night until it is done (minus highlighting and basework). There is just days you don't want to work on a small unit and days where you don't feel like painting pewter or bothering with a vehicle which is time consuming.

But at the end of it all - you have an army built, choices to choose from when you play, all are primed and most have base coat of your chapter's colors.
I like to go home, pour some whiskey, and have a surplus of units to pick from.

You are a scholar.

Ian Mulligan

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Re: The time has come...
« Reply #16 on: October 08, 2010, 12:34:55 PM »
I like to go home, pour some whiskey, and have a surplus of units to pick from.

You are a scholar.
beep bop boop


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Re: The time has come...
« Reply #17 on: October 17, 2010, 06:21:50 PM »
Chase, I'm getting back into painting for my FoW.  I'll make a deal with you, I'll come to Plainville sometime and you and I can work on this painting thing together.  I know I suck at it but misery loves company eh?
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