Author Topic: PAX and Battlegrounds Pathfinder Arena  (Read 2364 times)


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PAX and Battlegrounds Pathfinder Arena
« on: April 02, 2013, 02:24:46 PM »
Hi All,
    I am sure as many of you know we once again ran the Battlegrounds Pathfinder Arena at PAX.  For those of you that made it to PAX I hope you got a chance to stop by (if not shame on you) and play a round or three.  We were lucky enough to have a columnist from Penny Arcade stop by and she wrote up an article (

    Well anyway enough rambling ... now to the real reason behind my post.  When I was there running with Craig we had quite a few people mention that they would love to do this again..... So if we get enough interest (i.e. responses here or in the Abington store) I would be more than happy to run the Arena for an afternoon .... and if we get enough interest we might even be able to resurrect the monthly Arena events....



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Re: PAX and Battlegrounds Pathfinder Arena
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2013, 02:16:36 PM »
I just saw it myself.  A great little article about the store and the Arena.  Great job again guys!
