Author Topic: ForgeWorld Tyranid Scythed Heirodule & Oblit's for Store Credit  (Read 2219 times)


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ForgeWorld Tyranid Scythed Heirodule & Oblit's for Store Credit
« on: December 27, 2013, 10:10:31 AM »
I sold off my tyranid army a couple years back and kept my Scythed Heirodule cause I liked the model.  After a year of so of looking at it every now and then I realized I no longer need it. It's painted fairly well (above table top) with a white body and black carapace. ForgeWorld lists it for about $157, I'm looking for $120. If anyone wants pictures let me know.


I also have a box of finecast obliterators still skrunk wrapped if anyone interested.

*If anyone wants to buy the Heirodule and take ownership by this saturday (12/28) at plainville I'll knock additional $10 off just let me know by noon on saturday.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2014, 03:53:14 PM by jhobin »
"I'm going to sacrifice my pyramid turtles"
-Anonymous card player who makes me wonder if I sound like this talking about 40k!

Moss:"What operating system is it running?"
Bomb Technician:"Vista!"
Moss:"Where all going to die!"


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Re: ForgeWorld Tyranid Scythed Heirodule & Oblit's for Store Credit
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2013, 02:03:04 PM »
Im gonna shoot you a pm
40k Tyranids, Necrons, Heresy Death Guard


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Re: ForgeWorld Tyranid Scythed Heirodule & Oblit's for Store Credit
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2014, 03:52:49 PM »
The Heirodule has been sold.

If anyone is interested in the Obliterators let me know I'd be more than willing to part with them for 25% off. I also have a lot of old school orcs and goblins for fantasy if anyone's interested. 
"I'm going to sacrifice my pyramid turtles"
-Anonymous card player who makes me wonder if I sound like this talking about 40k!

Moss:"What operating system is it running?"
Bomb Technician:"Vista!"
Moss:"Where all going to die!"