Author Topic: Looking for some bits for a conversion, anyone?  (Read 2043 times)


  • Paragon Tier Level 14
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Looking for some bits for a conversion, anyone?
« on: January 07, 2014, 11:08:38 AM »
I have an idea for a conversion that sounds cool in my head and I want to see if its worthwhile building an army around it, I'm hoping not so I don't have to flesh it out :)

I'm looking for a wood eld dryad (hopefully unassembled) and some wraithguard weapon bits. I don't care what for the wraithguard weapons I'd prefer axe / shield combo though.

Let me know if anyone has the above there willing to part with I can offer bits/models as well as store credit.


"I'm going to sacrifice my pyramid turtles"
-Anonymous card player who makes me wonder if I sound like this talking about 40k!

Moss:"What operating system is it running?"
Bomb Technician:"Vista!"
Moss:"Where all going to die!"


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Re: Looking for some bits for a conversion, anyone?
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2014, 11:20:25 AM »
I have enough wraithguard axes/shields or swords to do 10 models.