Author Topic: Why are so many board game Inserts Bad?  (Read 2145 times)


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Why are so many board game Inserts Bad?
« on: July 31, 2014, 10:57:48 AM »
Disclaimer i have never tried and never will try to manufacture my own board game. So i am ignorant to the costs or maybe real problems with making a game.

With that said i am a small time collector but the one thing i have noticed out of the majority of the games i have is the awful storage. On many of the game forums are players looking to organize his or her game. Plano should be sending profit shares to many game makers. I am not the clean, organized freak type. I know a lot of these designers put a lot of love into his or her game. Especially when they do not become millionaires after making the game. It seems many game makers do this for the love for the hobby.

What would be reasons besides cost that a game box is not designed to organize hold game pieces? Wouldn't the thought of making set up and display be quick and easy to promote easy game play? Why wouldn't thoughts of the future expansions come into play for extra storage to implant the idea that you need to also buy the expansion?

Is cost the only reason.