Author Topic: Epic Armageddon Battle Report - Space Marines vs Iron Warriors  (Read 3931 times)


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Epic Armageddon Battle Report - Space Marines vs Iron Warriors
« on: February 05, 2015, 10:45:52 AM »
We were in this past Tuesday testing the Iron Warriors list for Epic Armageddon. I took some pics for a report in case anyone's interested:

Start of Game

Start of Game

Basilisks takeout a Marine and a Marine in the SC's formation.

Tbolts straffe a retinue on the left flank and take out a Rhino.

They are prompty shot down.

The SC attempts to move and marshals.

Basilisks take out a Devastator.

Scouts double up.

A retinue goes on overwatch and the Warhound doubles up to take out two Marines out of cover.

The retinue marshals.

The Devastators marshal, mounting up.

Hellblades take out a Land Speeder after the Hunter shoots one down.

TBolts lay a BM.

A retinue goes on overwatch.

And another BM...

And another overwatch.

The Land Speeders double on the Forlon Hope for a BM after one goes down to overwatch.

The Thawk lands and engages them.

It took two turns, but the Marines won it.

Lots of teleports around the Devastators.

At the start of turn 2 Tacticals engage the Basilisks.

Three to one, Marines.

The Marines stand victorious.

Devastators engage the Obliterators, who can't counter-charge effectively due to Terminators being so close.

No casualties but Obliterators break.

Artillery lays a BM on the Terminators.

A retinue advances and takes out a void.

Scouts break the Forlorn Hope.

Land Speeders double to ZoC the Terminators and lay a BM.

The Terminators advance away and take one out.

The Warhound advances and lays a BM on the center retinue.

Land Speeders fail with reroll and regroup.

The 4BM laden Hellblades stand down.

The SC doubles and lays a BM On the Terminators.

The retinue doubles on the Warhound and still scores three hits. The Warhound prompty saves them all!

TBolts break the Terminators.

Hellblades take out two Marines in the open.

TBolts stand down.

The Warlord breaks the hounds with a BM.

Terminators advance on the Obliters and do nothing.

The Thawk stands down.

Turn 3

Turn 3

Land Speeders double, break the Forlorn Hope and ZoC the Basilisks.

Terminators engage the Obliterators.

Two to one, Marines.

The Obliterators break.

Hellblades take out the ZoCing Speeder.

The BTS engages the Scouts and breaks them.

The Tacticals double and lay a BM on the Basilisks.

Arty hits the SC and takes out a Marine.

The Warhound advances and breaks the Warlords formation.

The retinue on the left flank marches to grab a T&H.

Land Speeders advance and lay a BM on the Terminators.

Terminators take one out on a marshal.

TBolts go on CAP.

Hell Blades break the Land Speeders contesting blits, despite the CAP.

The SC leaves a Marine behind and contests the Blitz.

Tbolts take a loss coming in but break the artillery by taking out a Basilisk.

End of Game

End of Game

Marines win it 2-0 in Turn 3, with Blitzkrieg and Take and Hold.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2015, 10:47:43 AM by Dave »