Author Topic: End Times: Major Spoilers(you've been warned!)  (Read 2282 times)


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End Times: Major Spoilers(you've been warned!)
« on: May 14, 2015, 09:06:49 PM »
So with End Times finished for 2 months now, you either probably already read it or have no intention of reading it at all. With that said, here is a brief synopsis for people who have zero intention of reading it but are also curious about what happened. The series was 5 books total, all named after different characters. With the exception of the final book, the books more or less take place at the same time.. just from different character locations.

Nagash: Book 1 serves as the intro of the final chaos force that will erase history, as well as the unusual alliance between Arkhan and Mannfred to resurrect Nagash. After Nagash is resurrected he also brings Vlad von Carson back to life too. Nagash and his lieutenants Arkhan and Mannfred head south from Sylvania to Nehekhara and sack Khermi. Settra is disposed of and Nagash reactivates his Black Pyramid. The Vampire Count and Tomb King armies are united under Nagash and march back to Sylvania. Vlad never goes to Nehekhara, instead he is sent north to "assist" the Empire, Nagash needs him to do this because the Empire is the only thing acting as a buffer between the numberless Chaos army and vulnerable Sylvania.

Glottkin: Nurgle's champion Glottkin is sent south to ravage the Empire. Marienburg, Talabheim, and Altdolf are completely destroyed. Bretonnia King Louen and his knights ride out to help the Emperor during the battle of Atldorf, while Vlad also lends his assistance. Louen is killed by a greater daemon while Vlad is poisoned by Glottkin. The Emperor and Glottkin duel but Glottkin cuts off the Emperor's arm and then stabs him through the heart. As Glott drives his sword through Franz's heart, a twin tailed comet lands on Franz's body and the Emperor is reborn. The new Emperor Ascendant single handedly nukes the nurgle daemon army with holy fire.

Khaine: Teclis knowing what is at stake, has made the difficult decision to help Malekith claim the Phoenix Throne. Tyrion and Malekith's respective armies wage war across Ulthuan until Tyrion pulls the widowmaker and Khaine himself takes over Tyrion's body. Malekith makes it to the Shrine of Asuryan (badly wounded) and steps through the fire. Like his father Aenarion, he emerges from the flames without the aid of magic. All Phoenix guard swear loyalty to Malekith and the fighting continues. Eventually the Vortex is disassembled by Teclis and Ulthaun sinks to the bottom of the ocean. Caledor DragonTamer and Morthai are eaten by Slannesh. Malekith and the Everqueen are arranged married to unite all the elven factions and relocated to Athen Loren.

Thanquol: The skaven launch a 3 pronged global assault on the lizardmen, dwarfs, and empire. In Lustria the Lizardmen begin to evacuate. The lizardmen pyramids are revealed to be dormant starships, and are reactivated to complete the exodus. In the Old World, every dwarf hold is sacked, along with Nuln and Middenheim. Thanquol and Verminking join Archaon and his chaos army. Middenheim becomes the new Chaos HQ, and they start the spell that will end the world.

Archaon: SIGMAR RETURNS! It is revealed that the Emperor Ascendant is actually Sigmar himself, and indeed Franz did die in Altdolf, Sigmar is just inhabiting his body. All anti-chaos forces( Nagash, Malekith, Sigmar, Teclis, Tyrion) assault Middenheim for the final battle. Ultimately they fail and watch the world end, while Sigmar and Archaon are last seen fighting each other as they tumble into an abyss.

The epilogue explains that the Chaos gods grow bored of their victory, and turn to search of other worlds.. while the shape of a man starts a new beginning.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2015, 06:56:30 PM by MM3791 »


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Re: End Times: Major Spoilers(you've been warned!)
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2015, 07:34:47 AM »
That's pretty awesome, even if you don't know much about the characters.
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Re: End Times: Major Spoilers(you've been warned!)
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2015, 11:47:56 AM »
Indeed! Some of the books felt a little longer then necessary but overall I felt it was a great send off for the current incarnation of the game. Judging by the plotline (and business reasons), I'd expect future armies to be consolidated (humans, elves, undead, chaos, etc).

Looking forward to see what direction the story and game goes, hopefully we'll know in a few months.