Small 40k crowd tonight, but Ed and I met Brian and I got to thank Mike for his part in returning my wandering rulebook to me. After Ed destroyed my Noise Marine list with Daemons in amazingly quick fashion, we put our Daemon armies together in a 4000 point showdown against the new Dark Angels. My first time running Daemons and it was very educational. Despite me being on the wrong end of two lopsided games, I had quite a bit of fun. Props to Matt for keeping the store open a bit later than usual.

20 Pink Horrors - 57 Str 4 AP 4 shots, plus 1 Str 8 AP 1 shot. That vs. Samiel, and he's like "B**** please! My squad will take no wounds from that!"
Breath of Chaos = "Oh, you didn't know??"
Two bottles of hot water will unfreeze car door locks.