Holiday Gift Idea: ‘Alhambra’

alhambra board game box

It’s that time of the year again. The time when many of you have live trees in their livings rooms, all decorated with various colored orbs, lights, and other garments. Under them you lay boxes of all sizes and wrapped in your favorite themed paper. Well, if your one of the many who struggle with what to wrap and put under that tree, here is an idea – Alhambra! This is one of the best board games I’ve played in a while. It’s easy to learn and very fun to play. There’s a lot of strategy that can be applied, but you also have to depend on a bit of luck. The best thing is that the store carries a few copies and it’s very affordable.


alhambra game layout

Don’t believe me. Just check out the game in action. It was featured on an episode of Tabletop with Wil Wheaton. Enjoy!

