Panini America Announces New ‘Dragon Ball Z’ TCG Set

Panini America will release the new Heroes and Villains booster for its recently rebooted Dragon Ball Z Trading Card Game on March 4, according to hobby industry news website



New heroes and villains (Raditz, Nappa, Tenshinhan, Nall) will join the fray, as the release expands on strategies and decks from the first release, while also providing cards that will be used in future deck archetypes. There are new Ally cards, as well as the first personality cards of villains Zarbon and Dodoria as Allies.


The booster-only expansion will include 142 new cards, including 24 rare cards (one per pack), 8 unique foil parallels per box, and Ultra Rares included in every other box. Packs include 12 cards, with 24 packs per box and 12 boxes per case.






