Posts Tagged ‘Wave 15’
Wednesday, September 17th, 2014

U.S.S. Prometheus (Federation), the Ratosha (Bajoran), and the I.K.S. Ning’tao (Klingon)
WizKids Games will release Wave 15 for its popular Star Trek: Attack Wing miniatures game in May with Wave 16 following in June, according to hobby news website Each wave will feature three new pre-painted miniatures for use in the game.
Wave 15 will include the U.S.S. Prometheus (Federation), the Ratosha (Bajoran), and the I.K.S. Ning’tao (Klingon) vessels.

U.S.S. Dauntless (Federation), Kreechta (Ferengi), and U.S.S. Pasteur (Federation)
Wave 16 features the U.S.S. Dauntless (Federation), Kreechta (Ferengi), and U.S.S. Pasteur (Federation) ships. Each vessel from both waves will be sold separately. Each model comes with base, pegs, maneuver dial, cards, and tokens. These two waves of models follow Waves 13 and 14, expected in March and April.
What do you think? Are you looking forward to these upcoming Star Trek: Attack Wing release?

Tags: Attack Wing, Miniatures, New Release, Star Trek, Wave 15, Wave 16, WizKids Games
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