Posts Tagged ‘Wizards of the Coast’

‘Fate Reforged’ Has Arrived!



The high-anticipated second set in the Khans of Tarkir block, Fate Reforged has finally arrived TODAY at Battleground Games & Hobbies! Pick up the single cards you’ve been waiting for, booster boxes, packs and more. Battleground Games & Hobbies is you one-stop shop for all your Magic the Gathering needs! You can also order all these items from our online store and have them shipped right to your door, too.


Plus, please don’t forget to join us this evening for our special Fat Pack Challenge event, held the release day of every new Magic set! Check out the details below. We look forward to seeing you there!


Battleground’s Fat Pack Challenge is back for Fate Reforged!

Fate Reforged (FRF) will be released on Friday, January 23rd and we will have a full line-up of events for you to crack packs, build decks and play Magic at both of our stores!  The weekend will kick off with our flagship Sealed Deck style event.

The Battleground Fat Pack Challenge is taking place on Friday night, 1/23/15, at both locations (run as our FNM).  These are the ultimate sealed events – where you open packs, build a deck and play with just the contents of a Fate Reforged Fat Pack!

The concept of a Fat Pack Challenge is pretty simple.  Each player will receive an Fate Reforged Fat Pack with which to build a 40 card deck.  Players may use ONLY what is inside of their Fat Pack to construct their decks.  No additional land will be provided!

This time instead of awarding prizes randomly throughout the event, EVERYONE that enrolls into the Fat Pack Challenge will receive a Battleground playmat at the beginning of the event!  (while supplies last)  Player’s in the event will be competing for glory and a super sweet commemorative plaque.  No other prizes will be award for this event.

We’ve got two of these events for you, one at each Battleground location:

Abington and Plainville:
Format: **Fat Pack Sealed**
Date: January 23rd, 2015 a FRIDAY
Time: 7:00pm
Entrance Fee: $40.00

1423 Bedford Street
Abington MA 02351
25 Taunton Street
Plainville MA 02762



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MTG ‘Fate Reforged’ Pre-orders: 24 Hours to Go!

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Only 24 hours left to pre-order the next set in the Khans of Tarkir block – Fate Reforged! Reserve products and single cards from this new set today and have then ready for you on January 23rd for either in-store pick up or shipped right to your front door!


Pre-order Fate Reforged Single Cards

Pre-order Fate Reforged Sealed Product


Fate Reforged pre-orders ship on Friday, January 23rd. Sealed product may not ship internationally. Orders containing pre-order items will not ship until the pre-order item becomes available.


Don’t forget to join us at either Battleground Games & Hobbies location TOMORROW for our high acclaimed Fat Pack Challenge event! Participants receive a Fate Reforged Fat Pack with which to build a 40-card deck and compete for some super-cool, exclusive prizes! Event begins promptly at 7:00 PM. Entry is just the cost of the Fat Pack. Join us! We look forward to seeing you there.





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Counterfeit ‘Magic’ Cards Found With New ‘M15’ Card Frame

In an article published last Thursday by Boston Examiner featured writer David Leavitt for, Mr. Leavitt reported that a specific, unnamed company producing “high quality proxies” of Magic the Gathering card and selling them on their website, has found a way to reproduce the newly released Magic 2015 (M15) card face and foil stamp, including the new exclusive-to-Magic font.


Unfortunately, counterfeit Magic the Gathering cards isn’t a new thing. In January 2014, we reported that a company in China was found to be producing high quality fake Magic the Gathering cards (see “Counterfeit Magic the Gathering Cards Found“).


While this is certainly troubling, rest assured that Battleground Games & Hobbies takes counterfeit Magic the Gathering cards very seriously. All single cards are always very closely examined to ensure their authenticity; and we only order sealed product from reputable sources. In addition, in the event we find counterfeit cards, they are immediately destroyed.


Should you ever encounter counterfeit cards or have a questions about the authenticity of a card, please do not hesitate to ask us to help! Please, always report counterfeit cards to Wizards of the Coast at Please be sure to read Wizards of the Coast’s official statement with regards to fake cards. For more information about how to spot fake cards, please click here.


To read Mr. Leavitt’s article in it’s entirety, including pictures and a detailed interview with the individual claiming to produce these new counterfeit cards, please click here.


Source: “Counterfeit ‘Magic: The Gathering’ cards being produced in new ‘M15’ card frame” by David Leavitt






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‘Magic the Gathering’ Banned & Restricted List Update



Wizards of the Coast announced today their quarterly update to the Magic the Gathering Banned & Restricted list; a list of cards deemed to be, typically, too powerful to be allowed in tournament play in an effort to keep the various formats fun, diverse and healthy.


Many speculated across social media that major updates were eminent. Today’s announcement certainly lives up to that speculation.


In it’s entirety, here is the Banned & Restricted Announcement:


Announcement Date: January 19, 2015

Effective Date: January 23, 2015

Magic Online Effective Date: January 28, 2015


Dig Through Time, Treasure Cruise, and Birthing Pod are banned.

Golgari Grave-Troll is no longer banned.


Treasure Cruise is banned.

Worldgorger Dragon is no longer banned.


Treasure Cruise is restricted.

Gifts Ungiven is no longer restricted.

The complete list of all banned and restricted cards, by format, is here.

Next B&R Announcement: March 23, 2015


Explanation of Changes


Wizards of the Coast examines tournament results from each competitive Constructed format. When a format becomes imbalanced, we examine the cause. Sometimes, a card-drawing card can be too efficient. The decks that draw cards so efficiently push out many other decks, limiting the field to the strong decks that best use those card drawers and decks that don’t play in interactive games with those strong decks. In that case, the best option might be to ban the overly efficient card drawer.

Since Wizards looks to limit the number of cards banned, each format is evaluated on its own merits. The same card might be banned in some formats, and not others, in a way that might appear uneven. That happens because the card is banned in the formats where, in practice, it is problematic.

Here are our changes:


Decks playing the powerful card drawers have been winning a lot, and pushing a lot of other decks down in competitive play. Blue-Red Delver decks, playing efficient creatures, card drawers, burn, and some permission spells have been the most successful. Also, decks focused on more burn, or combination decks using Jeskai Ascendancy, have done well. However, as these decks have occupied a large portion of the competitive metagame, the overall variety of successful decks has been suppressed. It is imbalanced enough that Wizards of the Coast has decided to act. In Modern, these cards are easy replacements for one another—while a Delver deck might use Treasure Cruise overDig Through Time, banning one but not the other would do little to change the deck. Dig Through Time and Treasure Cruise are banned.

Over the past year, Birthing Pod decks have won significantly more Grand Prix than any other Modern decks and compose the largest percentage of the field. Each year, new powerful options are printed, most recently Siege Rhino. Over time, this creates a growing gap between the strength of the Pod deck and other creature decks. Pod won five of the twelve Grand Prix over the past year, including winning the last two. The high percentage of the field playing Pod suppresses decks, especially other creature decks, that have an unfavorable matchup. In the interest of supporting a diverse format, Birthing Pod is banned.

When cards are banned from a format, Wizards investigates whether there is a banned card that, if not banned, might add new decks to competitive play. We look for cards that are unlikely to add power to existing top decks, but instead add new strategies or augment decks that are not currently as successful. Golgari Grave-Troll is very powerful in a deck based on getting a lot of cards into its graveyard. Replacing a card draw with dredge 6 is a terrific rate. However, that type of deck has not been as successful in Modern tournaments recently. While taking such a card off the banned list has some risks, this is a good time to see what happens. Golgari Grave-Troll is no longer banned.


Blue-Red Delver decks have been so successful at tournament play that they are hurting the diversity of the format. While other decks can have some success, the diversity is significantly less than it had been. Treasure Cruise is banned.

Worldgorger Dragon has a strange and powerful interaction with Animate Dead. This used to be too powerful for Legacy. It is not clear that this is more powerful than animating Griselbrand, and this interaction may add an interesting variant. Worldgorger Dragon is no longer banned.


Again, Blue-Red Delver decks have been so successful at tournament play that they are hurting the diversity of the format. Treasure Cruise is restricted.

Years ago, Gifts Ungiven was dominating Vintage tournament play. However, this has not been the case recently, and the card might invigorate some less-played Vintage decks. Gifts Ungiven is no longer restricted.


What do you think of these changes? Are you happy with them? Sound off in the comments below!








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Just One Week Away – MTG Prelim-PTQ for PT Vancouver!

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Format: Standard
Date: January 25th, 2015 – a SUNDAY
Time: Doors open at 10:00am, Round 1 pairings at 12:00pm
Entrance Fee: $25.00 per person

1423 Bedford Street
Abington MA 02351

Parking on site

This event is being run as a Preliminary Pro Tour Qualifier for Vancouver:
• Competitive REL
• Decklists required
• Cut to top 8

6 Booster Packs per person will be entered into the prize pool. These packs will be awarded to the top 8 finishers. Additional prizes may be awarded based on turnout.


We look forward to seeing you there!





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MTG ‘Fate Reforged’ Pre-orders: Only ONE Week Left!



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Only ONE week left to pre-order the next set in the Khans of Tarkir block – Fate Reforged! Reserve products and single cards from this new set today and have then ready for you on January 23rd for either in-store pick up or shipped right to your front door!


Pre-order Fate Reforged Single Cards

Pre-order Fate Reforged Sealed Product

Fate Reforged pre-orders ship on Friday, January 23rd. Sealed product may not ship internationally. Orders containing pre-order items will not ship until the pre-order item becomes available.


Don’t forget to join us at either Battleground Games & Hobbies location on Friday, January 23rd for our high acclaimed Fat Pack Challenge event! Participants receive a Fate Reforged Fat Pack with which to build a 40-card deck and compete for some super-cool, exclusive prizes! Event begins promptly at 7:00 PM. Entry is just the cost of the Fat Pack. Join us! We look forward to seeing you there.






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