Posts Tagged ‘Attackclix’

The Latest on ‘Attack Wing: Dungeons & Dragons’

Earlier this week Wizkids updated some of the details on Attack Wing: Dungeons & Dragons, scheduled for release on October 1st of this year.

These days it’s super rare that a game catches my interest and holds it for so long, especially through development, but Attack Wing: Dungeons & Dragons is something that I’m really looking forward to.  In case you haven’t been following it, Attack Wing: Dungeons & Dragons uses the FlightPath mechanics that were previously seen in Star Wars: X-Wing and Star Trek: Attack Wing.  As players we’ll get to control dogfighting dragons, while also having forces on the ground waste our opponents with!  Dragons, giants, and spell casting elves?  Sign me up!



The Starter Set

Some information and preview pictures of the starter set were originally shared at the Gama Trade Show, but WizKids passed on the final solicitation information recently.  The Attack Wing: D&D Starter Set will include three pre-painted plastic dragons (Red, Blue, and Copper) with bases and pegs, three maneuver dials, cards and tokens.  It’ll retail for $49.99.





Wave 1 Expansions

I’m pretty psyched that there looks to be more than a couple expansions scheduled for launch.  I can’t wait to see how they’ve handled the new ground element, which is something entirely new just for Attack Wing: Dungeons & Dragons.


The Green Dragon Expansion Pack will include a pre-painted Green Dragon plastic miniature with base and pegs, a maneuver dial, cards and tokens.  It will retail for $24.99.


The Sun Elf Wizard Expansion Pack will include a pre-painted Sun Elf Wizard plastic miniature with base and pegs, a maneuver dial, cards and tokens.  It will retail for $14.99.



The Frost Giant Expansion Pack will include a pre-painted Frost Giant plastic miniature with base and pegs, a maneuver dial, cards and tokens.  It will retail for $24.99.


The Sun Elf Guard Troop Expansion Pack will include six pre-painted Sun Elf Guard Troop plastic miniatures with bases and pegs, a maneuver dial, cards and tokens.  It will retail for $24.99.


The Hobgoblin Troop Expansion Pack will include six pre-painted Hobgoblin Troop plastic miniatures with bases and pegs, a maneuver dial, cards and tokens.  It will retail for $24.99.



The Dwarven Ballista Expansion Pack will include a pre-painted Dwarven Ballista plastic miniature with base and pegs, a maneuver dial, cards and tokens.  It will reatils for $14.99.


The Wraith Expansion Pack will include two pre-painted Wraith plastic miniatures with base and pegs, two maneuver dials, cards and tokens.  It will retail for $19.99.



That about does it for the first wave.  I’ve heard that the second wave will have things like a black dragon and some angels.


I’m not sure what the points for each figure will look like, but the idea of piloting a red dragon, a black dragon, and a band of hobgoblins seems pretty neat to me! Let me know what you think in the comments!


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