Posts Tagged ‘ICv2’

Twilight Creations Announces new Sci-Fi and Cthulhu Board Games has reported that Twilight Creations has announced two board games releasing in the first half of 2014.  Cthulhu!!! Hastur la Vista, Baby! will release in February, followed by Jupiter Rescue in April. We love a good Cthulhu board game!

Designed by Mark Major, Jupiter Rescue players take the role of rescue robots, launched into space to help the humans at the Jupiter Deep colony escape the “creeps,” an alien race that eats humans and multiplies out of control. Players work cooperatively to evacuate the colonists before they are converted into alien “creeps.”  The game is for 2 – 7 players, and takes 30 – 60 minutes to play.

The box contains 20 double-sided module tiles, 1 evacuation pod tile, 4 reference cards, 36 rescue cards, a six-sided die, and 127 plastic figures (7 player robots, 50 colonists, 60 creeps, 10 super creeps).



Set in the 1920s seaside town of Kingsport, Cthulhu!!! Hastur la Vista, Baby! pits players against the Cult of Hastur in the roles of investigators with some experience in mythos busting, which makes them a little mad already.  Players must work semi-cooperatively to find and sanctify ritual sites against the cult, while competing for control of relics and trying to maintain their own sanity while competing for ultimate power.

The box contains 20 tiles, 50 cards, 50 Byakhee, 50 cultists, 3 private detectives, 3 girl Fridays, Hastur, various tokens.  The game is for 2 – 6 players, no age limits or game length information was included.


Are you as excited about these new games as we are? What do you think about these upcoming new releases? Let us know in the comments section below.



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New Expansions for ‘Summoner Wars’ Announced

According to, Plaid Hat Games will release two new Second Summoner Faction Decks for their Summoner Warsdeck building game in April:Jungle Elves and Cloaks.

The new decks will round out the original eight Summoner Wars factions.  Both decks have their own Summoner (Jexik for Cloaks, Nikuya Nafor for Jungle Elves), set-up card, Champions, Commons, Walls and Event Cards.  As single faction decks, they do require any Summoner Wars Master Set or Starter Set to play.



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‘Mega Man: The Board Game’ by Jasco Games

Jasco Games plans to release Mega Man: The Board Game in October 2014.  The game is currently a live Kickstarter project, according to an article published by


Jasco added Capcom’s Mega Man as a license for its Universal Fighting System CCG last year, and plans to release its first product, a UFS Mega Man tin, in January.


The board game based on the property will be released in time for the 25th anniversary of the release of the first video game late this year.  Jasco stated that they turned to Kickstarter for funding for two reasons, “First, and most importantly, we’re seeking funding to make this the board game we always wanted to make. Kickstarter funding will allow us to use better materials, offer more extras like miniatures, cards, extra boards, and polish the finalized product… Second, we wanted fans to have a chance to show their support for Mega Man and be involved in this exciting process.”


The core game box will contain 5 Pre-Constructed Player Decks (40 cards each), 5 Mega Man game pieces, 5 Robot Master game pieces (Trophies), 1 Dr. Wily Game piece, 6 game boards  (5 for the Robot Masters, 1 for Dr. Wily), 5 Mega Man Character Card Life Meters, 12 Stage Tokens for each Robot Master, 20 Stage Tokens for Dr. Wily, 5 of each Robot Master boss cards, 5 Mega Man Character cards, and a rulebook (with digital download copy).  Additional villain decks & game boards, exclusive game pieces, and Universal Fighting System deck boxes & card sleeves are all listed as stretch goals and add-on bonuses.


The Kickstarter has already raised $273,761 from 2,078 backers ($131.74 per backer average) as of this writing and will be funded on Sunday January 19. Official MSRP for the game has not been determined.


Want to see this game at Battleground Games & Hobbies? Let us know in the comments below!


Source: “Mega Man: The Board Game” via



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Fantasy Flight Announces Expansion for ‘Talisman 4E’

Fantasy Flight Games has announced The Firelands, a new expansion for its Talisman Revised 4th Edition board game, which will release in the first quarter of 2014, according to news website

This expansion will feature four new characters: the Dervish, the Nomad, the Jin Blooded, and the Warlord; as well as three new Alternative Ending Cards.  There are new Terrain cards, which can change the game board itself, since cards are placed over existing spaces on the game board (a graveyard may be replaced by a forest, or a tavern may become runes).  There are also 81 new Adventure cards, many of which focus on the threat of the Ifrit, and there is a new game mechanic introduced:  burn.  Players may be instructed by certain cards to burn a specific number of cards – which will be removed from the game and no longer have any effect.  There are several new fireproof cards, but most of those only inflict more burn effects.

The box contains 81 Adventure cards, 18 Spell cards, 20 Terrain cards, 3 Alternative Ending cards, 4 new character cards and plastic figures, and 34 Fireland tokens. As an expansion, it requires theTalisman Revised 4E base game to play.  The game is for 2 – 6 players, and plays in 1 – 2 hours.  MSRP is $24.95.


Want to see this game at Battleground Games & Hobbies? Contact us and let us know!


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Battle Over ‘Dungeons & Dragons’ Movie


Well boy’s and girls, it looks as if it is going to be a long time before we are allowed to enjoy another Dungeons & Dragons film.


According to, Sweetpea Entertainment filed suit for a partial dismissal of the infringement suit filed by Wizards of the Coast against Sweetpea regarding its plans for a film based upon the Dungeons & Dragons franchise. The planned Warner Bros. film is to be based upon D&D  precursor Chainmailnot Dungeons & Dragons, the motion alleges.


Evidently, the Warner Bros. film with Sweetpea is one of two planned Dungeons & Dragons films. The other, by Universal Studios, is currently in the works with Wizards of the Coast parent company Hasbro. Additionally, Sweetpea likewise filmed suit last September to block the Universal Studios film.


Trial is set for March 24, 2014.


So Dungeons & Dragons fans, be patient – looks like it is going  to be a while before we enjoy a new Dungeons & Dragons film. However, if it is anything like the 2000 film Dungeons & Dragons starring Jeremy Irons and Thora Birtch, we can wait.


Further reading: Article



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‘Yu-Gi-Oh’ HeroClix: Series One Sneak Peek


Check out this special sneak-peek first published by of the Yu-Gi-Oh! HeroClix: Series One 24 Ct. Gravity Feed, releasing February 5th.  Series One will feature 55 figures with the following rarity scheme:  16 Common figures, 15 Uncommon figures, 12 Rare figures, 9 Super-Rare figures, and 3 Chase figures.

The Asura Priest (pictured left & below) begins play with its Multiple Arms special power which allows it to make up to four separate close combat attacks in one turn! Of course, when you have so many arms it’s much easier to attack enemies all around you than to concentrate on just one foe, so Multiple Arms has a special condition that no more than two attacks can target the same character.

Early-dial, the Asura Priest also enjoys the benefits of Willpower, which allows it to act two turns in a row with no fear of pushing damage, and Battle Fury.  While Battle Fury prevents another friendly character from carrying the Asura Priest into battle, it does allow the Asura Priest to ignore Mind Control and Incapacitate attacks, as well as Shape Change when it makes attacks of its own!

About ‘Yu-Gi-Oh’ HeroClix Series One 

Publisher: WizKids
Release Date: Starter Set (December 18, 2013), Gravity Feed (February 5, 2014)
MSRP:  Starter ($24.99); Foil Packs ($2.99)
Format: Starters include six figures, Foil Packs are one figure per pack
Rarity Scheme: 16 Common figures, 15 Uncommon figures, 12 Rare figures, 9 Super-Rare figures, and 3 Chase figures
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